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  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.TX360.T63E54 2003
Book Pac.TX360.Y3S57 1996 Yap : food choices for healthful living based on food group lists. Shovic, Anne Caprio. IN
 4 Pac.TX360.5D6a
 4 Pac.TX360.5.M5K89 2000
Book Pac.TX360.5.M36 2007 A manual from the English-speaking Caribbean: developing food-based dietary guidelines. IN
Book Pac.TX361.N3I53 2009 Indigenous peoplesī food systems : the many dimensions of culture, diversity and environment for nutrition and health. IN
Book Pac.TX363.P37 2016 Pasifika plates : serving nutritious island flavours. IN
 2 Pac.TX364.R63 1986
 2 Pac.TX364.T43 1990
Book Pac.TX364.T45 1983 Discovering our food : community worker's guide to use of slides and cassette. Teissier, M. C. IN
 2 Pac.TX402.P67
Book Pac.TX511.F56 1979 Final report WHO Western Pacific Region Working Group on Food Hygiene and Food Safety : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-5 October 1979. IN
 2 Pac.TX511.T43 1986
Book Pac.TX531.P95 1987 Proceedings of the First OCEANIAFOODS of the Conference, Canberra, Australia 12-15 May 1987. IN
Book Pac.TX537.F66 1980 Food composition tables recommended for use in the Philippines : hanbook I. IN
Book Pac.TX541.P4 The chemical composition of South Pacific foods. Peters, F. E. (Frank E.) IN
Book Pac.TX551.A84 2003 The concise New Zealand food composition tables. Athar, N. (Nelofar) IN
Book Pac.TX551.A545 1999 Weighing the evidence : program and proceedings, 21-24 September 1999. South-West Pacific Nutrition and Dietetic Conference. (2nd: 1999: Auckland New Zealand). IN
Book Pac.TX551.B375 2004 Table de composition d'aliments du Mali = food composition table for Mali. Barikmo, Ingrid IN
 3 Pac.TX551.N8 1983
 2 Pac.TX551.P23 1994
 2 Pac.TX601.A44 2003
Serial Pac.TX 601.G529 1997 Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) for seafood exports : the situation in selected Pacific Island countries: a report prepared for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Gillett, Robert D. IN
 2 Pac.TX601.M3E3 2011
Book Pac.TX601.M32 1998 Seafood safety standards (with special reference to HACCP) : review of the import regulations of the U.S. and E.U. and the relevant laws of the South Pacific region : a report prepared for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. McDorman, Ted L. IN
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