Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Controlling restaurant & food service food costs
Brown, Douglas Robert, 1960-
TX911.3.C65B74 2003
IN |
Controlling restaurant & food service labor costs
Fullen, Sharon L.
TX911.3.L27F85 2003
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Controlling restaurant & food service operating costs
Lewis, Cheryl, 1970-
TX911.3.C65B76 2003
IN |
Controlling the brown tree snake and preventing its colonization of Micronesia.
VerF.380 Pac.
IN |
Controlling Vitamin A deficiency : a report based on the ACC/SCN Consultative Group Meeting on Strategies for the Control of Vitamin A Deficiency, 28-30 July 1993, Ottawa, Canada
Gillespie, Stuart (Stuart R.)
RA645.V56G55 1994
IN |
Controversy : issues for reading and writing
PE1417.C6543 2002
IN |
The convection of heat
IN |
Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
United Nations. Committee against Torture.
IN |
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984)
Doc.HV8593.I87 2001
IN |
Convention and Protocol relating to the status of refugees
JX4292.R4 C65 2010
IN |
Convention and protocol relating to the status of refugees : text of the 1951 convention relating to the status of the refugees : text of the 1967 protocol relating to the status of refugees : resolution 2198 (XXI) adopted by the United Nations General Assembly
JX4292.R4 C65 2010
IN |
Convention Daily Journals
Office of the Convention Secretary
Pac.JQ6451.A5M55 2020
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Convention de Budapest relative au contrat de transport de marchandises en navigation intérieure (CMNI) en date, à Budapest, du 22 juin 2001 = Budapest Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterway (CMNI) done at Budapest on 22 June 2001.
Doc.KJC6939.A42A2 2003
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Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region (1986)
Pac.S934.O3C67 1986
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Convention for the protection of the natural resources and environment of the South Pacific region and related protocols
Pac.S934.O3C67 1986
IN |
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making, and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (1998 June 25)
Doc.KJC6242.A41998C66 2014
IN |
Convention on biological diversity.
Pac.QH77.F34F34 2001
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Convention on Biological Diversity (1992). Protocols, etc. 2000 Jan. 29.
KZ635.3.C65 2000
IN |
Convention on biological diversity: ABS
Pac.K3488.N346N 2011
IN |
Convention on biological diversity : an information package for Pacific Island countries.
Pac.QH77.D44 2000
IN |
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (1991 February 25)
Doc.KJC6242.A41991A2 2017
IN |
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context = Convention sur l'eÌ?valuation de l'impact sur l'environnement dans un contexte transfrontieÌre = Konvent?öo s?öo Lii ob ot?öo s?öo Lenke vozdeĭstvii?öo a?öo L na okruzhai?öo u?öo Lshchui?öo u?öo L sredu v transgranichnom kontekste
Doc.KJC6242.A41991A2 2017
IN |
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) : proceedings of a workshop held for those involved in the trade of giant clams, April 14, 1992, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
Pac.K3900.T75A24 1992
IN |
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution 1979.
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (1979). Protocols, etc.
Doc.TD883.7.E85C66 1999
IN |