View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.TN291.5.M33 1999
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.TX551.A84 2003 The concise New Zealand food composition tables. Athar, N. (Nelofar) IN
Book Pac.TX551.A545 1999 Weighing the evidence : program and proceedings, 21-24 September 1999. South-West Pacific Nutrition and Dietetic Conference. (2nd: 1999: Auckland New Zealand). IN
Book Pac.TX551.B375 2004 Table de composition d'aliments du Mali = food composition table for Mali. Barikmo, Ingrid IN
 3 Pac.TX551.N8 1983
 2 Pac.TX551.P23 1994
 2 Pac.TX601.A44 2003
Serial Pac.TX 601.G529 1997 Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) for seafood exports : the situation in selected Pacific Island countries: a report prepared for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Gillett, Robert D. IN
 2 Pac.TX601.M3E3 2011
Book Pac.TX601.M32 1998 Seafood safety standards (with special reference to HACCP) : review of the import regulations of the U.S. and E.U. and the relevant laws of the South Pacific region : a report prepared for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. McDorman, Ted L. IN
 2 Pac.TX601.M625B49
Book Pac.TX601.P35 1990 Storing and preserving Pacific Island foods. Parkinson, Susan. IN
Book Pac.TX601.P37 Preservation of Pacific Island foods. Parkinson, Susan IN
Book Pac TX601.T3 1997 Practical methods for preserving seafoods : salting and drying (a training manual). Tuara, Patricia. IN
Book Pac.TX609.F85 1997 A review of the solar drying of fruit, vegetables and other food crops. Fuller, R. J. (Robert James), 1946- IN
Book Pac.TX609.F855 1996 Solar drying in the Pacific : a guide for commercial producers. Fuller, R. J. (Robert James), 1946. IN
Book Pac.TX612.F5R3 1966 A short guide to fish preservation with special reference to West African conditions. Rawson, G. C. IN
Book Pac.TX643.T862 1990 Preparation of Pacific Island foods. IN
 4 Pac.TX724.5.B11 1971
 2 Pac.TX724.5.B67 2005
 13 Pac.TX724.5.H3C33 2002
 2 Pac.TX724.5.P17B46 2005
Book Pac.TX724.5.P28H34 2009 Food culture in the Pacific Islands. Hadlen, Roger IN
 2 Pac.TX725.A1P323 1995
 2 Pac.TX725.C6C63
 3 Pac.TX725.G8G84 1975
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