0 Items in Bookbag
Author |
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Call Number |
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World Energy Council.
Energy for tomorrow's world : the realities, the real options, and the agenda for achievement.
HD9502.A2E54392 1993
World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.
World Fertility Survey.
Regional workshop on techniques of analysis of world fertility survey data: report and selected papers.
Pac.HB901.R4 1979
World Fish Inspection and Quality Control Congress (5th : 2003 : The Hague, Netherlands)
Fifth World Fish Inspection and Quality Control Congress : 20-22 October 2003, The Hague, Netherlands.
World Fisheries Trust.
Comparative assessment of the environmental costs of aquaculture and other food production sectors : methods for meaningful comparisons : FAO / WFT Expert Workshop, 24-28 April 2006, Vancouver, Canada.
FAO.SH3.F27 2007 no.10
World Food Prize Foundation.
The World Food Prize : twentieth anniversary 1986 2006.
HD9000.5.W677 2006
World Food Programme.
World Food Summit: five years later (2002 : Rome, Italy)
Report of the World Food Summit: five years later.
FAO.HD9000.5.W677 2002
World Forestry Congress (12th : 2003 : Québec)
Congress proceedings synthesis : XII World Forestry Congress, Québec City, Canada, September 21 to 28, 2003 : Forests, source of life.
World Health initiative on tobacco.
The tobacco death clock ticks on.
World Health Organizatio Western Pacific Region.
Western Pacific Regional Framework for Action for : Disaster risk management for health.
Pac.RA645.5.W67 2015
World Health Organization.
World Health Organization. Centre for Health Development.
World Health Organization. Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion.
Comprehensive cervical cancer control : a guide to essential practice.
BTL RC280.U8.C73 2006 box 140
World Health Organization. Cities and Health Advisory Task Force. Meeting (2002 : Shanghai, China)
Cities and Health Advisory Task Force Meeting : organization and management of health services in large cities : proceedings of a WHO Task Force meeting, 23-24 May 2002, Shanghai, People's Republic of China.
RA566.7W56 2003
World Health Organization. Department of Making Pregnancy Safer.
Midwifery eduction moduels: education for safe motherhood.
RG950.E28 2008
World Health Organization. Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse,
Preventing suicide : a global imperative.
HV6545.P718 2024
World Health Organization. Department of Reproductive Health and Research.
Managing complications in pregnancy and childbirth : a guide for midwives and doctors.
BTL RG951.M31 2005 box 140
World Health Organization. Dept. of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals.
Immunization in practice : a practical guide for health staff.
BTL RA638.I33 2004 box 200
World Health Organization. Dept. of Vaccines and Other Biologicals.
Field manual for neonatal tetanus elimination.
BTL RJ320.F45 1999 box 150
World Health Organization. Expanded Programme on Immunization.
Manual for the laboratory diagnosis of measles virus infection.
BTL RA643.M31 2000 box 190
World Health Organization. Expert Committee on Fish and Shellfish Hygiene.
Fish and shellfish hygiene : report of a WHO Expert Committee convened in cooperation with FAO, Geneva, 18-24 September 1973.
Pac.RA602.F5W67 1974
World Health Organization. Food Safety Dept. Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases.
FAO/WHO framework for the provision of scientific advice on food safety and nutrition.
FAO.TX531.F36 2007
World Health Organization. Global Task Force on Cholera Control.
Guidelines for cholera control.
RA644.C3W67 1993
World Health Organization. Nutrition for Health and Development.
Complementary feeding : Family foods for breastfed children.
BTL RJ216.C73 2000 box 170