View next page Titles Matching:  Serials articles (Pac.)
  Title Author Call Number Status
Serial 1.5 to stay alive: reflecting on the IPCC special report on global warming of 1.5 degree celcius.
Serial 1st FSM woman confirmed as 2nd highest diplomat.
Mixed The 7th PIALA conference. Mills, Carol.
Serial 10th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Republic of China (Taiwan).
Serial 10th issue special report.
Serial 10th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women.
Serial 16th annual College of Micronesia Founding Day held April 1.
Serial 74 graduate at COM-FSM in midyear commencement.
Serial 2000 Fiji coup.
Serial 2015 Project Progress Report: Biodiversity and Its Conservation in the Satsunan Islands. Pac.Per.Q1.A1O33 2016 Mar. IN
Serial 2016 : sharks in a post-truth world.
Serial A 3000-year culture sequence from Palau, Western Micronesia.
Serial A Checklist of the birds of Micronesia.
Serial A defining moment: an interview with Palau's President Remengesau.
Serial A Geographical checklist of the Micronesia monocotyledonae.
Serial A large foodborne outbreak on a small Pacific Island.
Serial A message from the director. Secretariat of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme.
Serial A new chapter in acquaculture for Fiji.
Serial A New horizon of island studies in the Asia-Pacific region. Pac.Per.Q1.A1O33 2014 IN
Serial A New political status for Micronesia.
Serial A new species of the genus Lepidodactylus Fitzinger (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Mortlock Islands, Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia.
Book A participatory assessment of dietary patterns and food behavior in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Corsi, Allison MPH.
Serial A pilot analysis of the role of learning sytles in online learning environments: the case of an American Pacific Island University.
Serial A pilot study for the prevention of rheumatic fever in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia.
Serial A preliminary list of animal names in the Chuuk District, Micronesia : with some notes on plant names.
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