Titles Matching: Serials articles (Pac.)
Call Number
A return visit between Puluwat and Saipan using Micronesian navigational techniques.
A short history of the Skipjack survey and assessment program (SSAP) [part 2].
A Study of acculturation in Micronesia under the Japanese Mandate.
A study of the coastal seawater in Yap Island and Ulithi Atoll, Federated States of Micronesia, 2001.
A tale of two islands : tourism, culture, and conflict in Yap State.
A threat to our human rights : Tuvalu's perspective on climate change.
A trip on a sailing ship : a misplaced disk is the driving force behind a Yap-Palau voyage.
Chata'an's wrath.
ABC' out-of-focus for Truk TV vison.
Abortion on Guam : Demographic trends and fertility data.
VerF 462.92 Pac.
Abundance and utilization of sea turtles on Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia : Islanders' perceptions.
Buden, Donald W.
VerF 0616.2001 Pac.
The Acanthaster phenomenon.
Pac.QL384.A8M71 1986
Acanthaster planci.
Adoption in the changes of family, kinship, and marriage: a comparative view based on studies from Micronesia and India.
After the bombs : Part 1.
After the Compact - what then?.
Haglelgam, John
VerF 0225.96 Pac.
Agricultural research institutions in the tropical insular Pacific.
Agriculture and food supply on Ulithi Atoll.
Agriculture extension service in Micronesia.
Ailing Japanese fishing vessel Tokuie Maru rescued at sea.
Captain's log : Shenandoah Apr. 1 - Apr. 10, 1865.
VerF(2) 0020.1865a Pac.
Air Kiribati off from AM.
Alaska internship for COM fisheries student.
Albert Wendt : Bibliography.
Alcohol evil partner in campus crime.
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