View previous page View next page Title Search: Co-operation for economic development of eastern Africa : report of the Eastern African Team.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Climate change and food security in Pacific island countries Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Pac.QC981.8.C5F68 2008 IN
Book Climate change and food systems resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa FAO.S473.A357C65 2011 IN
Book Climate change and global poverty : a billion lives in the balance? QC903 .C545 2009 OUT
Book Climate change and health in the Western Pacific Region : Synthesis of evidence, profiles of selected countries and policy direction World Health Organization Western Pacific Region. Pac.QC903.2.P16W67 2015 IN
Book Climate change and landscape modification on Samoan history Taomia, Julie M. E. (Julie Margret Endicott), 1967- Pac.QC903.2.S24E53 2020a IN
Book Climate change and migration : improving methodologies to estimate flows
Book Climate change and sea level. CRC QC993.03.C55 1998 IN
Book Climate change and sea level rise Pac.QC981.8.C5 1998 IN
 2 Climate change and sea level rise in the South Pacific Region
Book Climate change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region : proceedings of the third SPREP Meeting, Noumea, New Caledonia, 18-22 August 1997 SPREP Meeting [on] Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region (3rd : 1997 : Noumea, New Caledonia) Pac.QC981.8.C5S77 1999 IN
Book Climate change and sea level rise issues in Guam : report on a preliminary mission Prasad, Usha K. Pac.QC981.8C5P72 IN
Book Climate change and sea level rise issues in the Federated States of Micronesia : report on a preparatory mission Hay, John E. 1943- Pac.QC981.8.C5H39 IN
Book Climate change baseline assessment : Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, March - April 2012 Moore, Brad Pac.QC879.8.C53M77 2012 IN
Serial Climate change bulletin. Doc.QC879.8.C53U55 IN
Mixed Climate change/El Nino. VerF 0961 Pac. IN
Book Climate change guidelines for forest managers. FAO.SD1.F5 no.172 IN
Book Climate change impacts and adaptation for Coastal Transport Infrastructure : a compilation of policies and practices United Nations Conference on Trade and Developments
Book Climate change impacts in the United States, highlights : U.S. National climate assessment U.S. Global Change Research Program Gov. PREX30.2:IM 7/HIGH IN
Book Climate change impacts on the United States : the potential consequences Of climate variability and change : foundation Gov.NS1.2:C61/FOUNDA. IN
Book Climate change impacts on the United States : the potential consequences of climate variablity and change : overview National Assessment Synthesis Team (U.S.) Gov.NS1.2:C 61 IN
Book Climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture : overview of scientific knowledge FAO.SH1.F2 2009 no.530 IN
Book Climate change in small islands Tompkins, Emma L. [et al.] Pac.QC981.8.C5S9 IN
Book Climate change in the Federated States of Micronesia : food and water security, climate risk management, and adaptive strategies: executive summary 2010 Fletcher, Charles H. Pac.QC981.8.C5F54 2010 IN
Book Climate change in the Pacific Shea, Eileen L. Pac.QC993.M5P74 2001 IN
Book Climate change in the Pacific : scientific assessment and new research Pac.QC903.2.P16C55 2011 IN
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