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TITLE: [SPREP/climate change/El Nīno : miscellaneous papers from SPREP Environment Newsletter] / compiled by Pacific staff, College of Micronesia-FSM.
ADDED TITLE: Climate change/El Nino.
PUBLISHED: New Caledonia: n.d.
DESCRIPTION: v.p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
NOTES: Includes various articles: --1.--Pacific governments and scientists meet to discuss climate change and sea level rise (SPREP meeting in Noumea, New Caledonia.--2.--Early warning system for El Nino events.--3.--AusAID targets dangerous chemicals in the Pacific.--4.--Needs identified by the 3rd SPREP meeting on climate change and sea level rise (at national, regional, sub-regional, and international levels).--5.--Ambitious SPBCP delivers the conservation goods - ("South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation Programme approach focuses on strengthening the knowledge and skills of the communities who own the natural resources so they can make their own plans for protecting and managing biodiversity, developing new ways of generating income from their resources without destroying them".).--6.--Environmental education conference.--7.--SPREP then and now: the last word from Don Stewart.--8.--V-files--the early days of SPREP: a roundtable with Arthur.--9.--Strategic action programme for waters of the Pacific.--10.--C-SPOD funds expanded conservation project.
SUBJECT: Climate changes--Oceania.

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