View previous page View next page Title Search: Fiscal year 1976.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book The fish resources of the Western Central Pacific Islands Uchida, Richard N. Pac.SH319.O3U35 1978 IN
Serial Fish smarter, fish safer, fish better.
Book Fish species identification manual for deep-bottom snapper fishermen = Manuel d'identification des poissons destine aux Pécheurs de vivaneaux profonds Chapman, L. (Lindsay) et al. Pac.QL636.5C64 2008 IN
 15 Fish trade in the Pacific.
Video Fish workship MITC DVD 1522 IN
Book FishBase 97 : Concepts, design and data sources. Ref.QL615.F571 1997 IN
Computer FishBase 99 CD ROM 0509 1999 IN
Book Fisheries and aquaculture emergency response guidance Cattermoul, Benjamin, author. FAO.SH343.9.C38 2014 IN
Book Fisheries and aquaculture emergency response guidance : review recommendations for best practice : FAO Workshop, 15-16 March 2012, Rome FAO Workshop on Fisheries and Aquaculture Emergency Response Guidance: Review Recommendations for Best Practice (2012 : Rome, Italy) FAO.SH3.F24 no.30 IN
Book Fisheries and aquaculture in Georgia : current status and planning FAO.SH1.F59 2006 no.1007 IN
Book The fisheries and aquaculture sector in national adaptation programmes of action : importance, vulnerabilities, and priorities Vadacchino, Lara. FAO.SH331.F2 2011 no.1064 IN
Serial Fisheries and aquaculture statistics FAO.SH331.F24 IN
Book Fisheries and coastal zone management materials for the library at the Community College of Micronesia. Community College of Micronesia. Pac.SH319.M5C6 c.2 IN
Book Fisheries and fishery industries of the United States Gov.C55.302:H62 IN
Book Fisheries and marine resources in the South Pacific Pac.SH319.O3F57 1987 IN
Book Fisheries and related legislation of FFA member countries: index updated to April 1992. Pac.KF1770.A17F52 1992 IN
Book Fisheries and the state of Hawaii input to the National Fisheries Plan Pac.SH319.H3B35 1975 IN
Book Fisheries biology, assessment and management King, M. G. SH328.K55 2007 IN
Book Fisheries conservation and management Ross, Michael R. SH331.R635 1997 IN
Book Fisheries development in Fiji : the quest for sustainability Veitayaki, Joeli. Pac.SH319.F5V44 1995 IN
Book Fisheries development in Palau and Yap
Mixed Fisheries development in Truk and Pohnpei, the Federated States of Micronesia VerF 0154.86 Pac IN
Book Fisheries development priorities and three-year program for the Central, Western and South Pacific Pac.SH319.A2F47 1986 IN
Book Fisheries development priorities for the Central and Western Pacific. Pacific Fisheries Development Foundation Pac.SH319.F53 1983 IN
Book Fisheries development project in Chuuk. Taumaia, Pale. Pac.SH319.M5T38 1980 IN
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