Titles Matching: Fish trade in the Pacific.
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The live reef fish trade in the Pacific : A look at recent trends and developments.
2016 : sharks in a post-truth world.
A short history of the Skipjack survey and assessment program (SSAP) [part 2].
Marine conservation agreements as innovative financial mechanisms for biodiversity conservation and sustainable fisheries in the Pacific : The Vatu-i-Ra conservation park in Fiji.
Taking the fish to the mountains : Tilapia fish farming and the women of Rewasau Village, Monasavu, Fiji.
The tuna pelagic ecosystem : the exciting inside story! setting up an ecosystem monitoring system.
Kiribati - fish smarter, fish safer, fish better.
The Marshall Island Marine Resource Authority (MMRA) reaps the benefits of its equal employment opportunity practices.
Logging the biodiversity and significance of sharks and rays in the Pacific.
A new chapter in acquaculture for Fiji.
Illegal fishing in the centrak and South Pacific.
Evaluating the impacts of efforts to improve postharvest processing of sea cucumber Fiji.
The history of SPC's involvement in fisheries development in the Pacific part 2 : / the 21st century.
Development and application of sea cucumber fishery regulations in French Polynesia.
The mangrove crabs of Pohnpei Island, Federated States of Micronesia : a timely intervention to ensure sustainability of a favoured resource.
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