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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Some notes on planning a community college for the U.S. Trust territories Skaggs, K. G. Pac.LA2270.T7S67 IN
Mixed Some notes on planning for land use program in Micronesia McGrath, William A. VerF.0417.1 Pac. IN
Book Some observations on the Hawaiians of the Micronesian mission Bieber, Patricia 1928- Pac.BV3677.B54 IN
Book Some observations on the problem of "self government" in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Sandelmann, John Pac.JQ6451.A58S35 IN
Serial Some of the world's finest Pohnpei black pepper
Book Some often asked questions about Hansen’s disease and some plain answers. Pac.RA644.L3S66 1980 IN
Mixed Some origins of current political attitudes in Micronesia Skinner, Carlton VerF 0664 Pac. IN
Book Some other country : New Zealand's best short stories Pac.PR9681.S693 1992 IN
Mixed Some overlooked complexities in the study of Pohnpei social complexity Petersen, Glenn Thomas. VerF 0900.90a Pac IN
Book Some Pohnpei strategies for economic survival Petersen, Glenn.
Book Some Ponapean proverbs Riesenberg, Saul H. Pac.PN6519.P7R5 1955 IN
Book Some preliminary thoughts on the Madolenihmw municipal building Madolenihmw Muncipal Council. Pac.TH9445.P8M37 IN
Book Some problems in the history of Mokilese morpho-syntax : A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Division of the University of Hawaii in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Philosophy Harrison, Sheldon P., 1947- Pac.AC1.H3 no.1012 IN
Book Some problems of developing and managing fisheries in small island states Kearney, R. E. Pac.SH319.A2K4 1979 IN
Book Some problems of succession among Arno Marshallese : a paper to be presented at the Symposium, "Political Development in Micronesia" : American Anthropological Association Meetings, November, 1971 Rynkiewich, Michael A. Pac.GN671.M33R8 IN
Book Some remarks about the religious views of our islanders, Micronesian Seminar. Pac.GN671.M5M6 IN
Music Some songs of Palau Ezekiel, Ymesei E. Pac.M1844.E3E9 1962 IN
Book Some suggestions for teaching in the elementary schools ARC. TTPI 06 IN
Serial Some tertiary brachiopods of the East Coast of the United States Cooper, G. Arthur (Gustav Arthur), 1902- Gov. SI 1.30:64 IN
 3 Some things of value : Micronesian customs and beliefs
 3 Some things of value : Micronesian customs as seen by Micronesians
Book Some thoughts on fisheries and a new conference on the law of the sea Burke, William T. Pac.JX4131.L37 no. 9 IN
Book Some tropical South Pacific Island foods : description, history, use, composition, and nutritive value Murai, Mary. Pac.TX360.I77M8 IN
Serial Some vernacular names of plants from Kapingamarangi and Nukuoro Atolls, Caroline Islands Stone, Benjamin C. Pac.QK473.K3S7 IN
Book Somebody and the three Blairs Tolhurst, Marilyn. CRC Pic.T65 1990 IN
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