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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Globalization and health reform in Fiji: issues and challenges for health professionals/ Kuridrani, Litiana Pac.RA390.A2K87 2002 IN
Book Globalization and higher education LB2322.2.G55 2004 IN
Book Globalization and its discontents Stiglitz, Joseph E. HF1418.5 .S75 2002 IN
Serial Globalization and nationalism in education Ref.L101.G8Y4 2005 IN
Book Globalization and networked societies : urban-regional change in Pacific Asia Yeung, Yue-man. HT147.E18Y48 2000 IN
Book Globalization and the state Doc.JF1351.W67 2001 IN
Book Globalization and Trilateral Labor Markets : evidence and implications: a report to the Trilateral Commission Thygesen, Niels. HD5710.7.T49 1996 IN
Mixed Globalization, food and health in Pacific Island countries. Hughes, Robert Pac.TX360.O3H44 IN
Book Globalization, gender and work Doc.HQ1240.A14 1999 IN
Book Globalization in the Pacific. Foundation for Advanced Information and Research, Japan Committee for Pacific Island Countries. Pac.JZ1318.F68 IN
Book Globalization of food systems in developing countries : impact on food security and nutrition. FAO.HD9018.D44G58 2004 IN
Book The globalization of martyrdom : Al Qaeda, Salafi Jihad, and the diffusion of suicide attacks Moghadam, Assaf, 1974- HV6431.M71 2008 IN
Book Globalization of production and the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in Asia and the Pacific : trends and prospects United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Doc.HC681.U52 2009 IN
 2 The globalization of world politics : an introduction to international relations
Book The globalization paradox : democracy and the future of the world economy Rodrik, Dani. HF1418.5.R61 2011 IN
Book Globalization, political institutions and the environment in developing countries / Gabriele Spilker. Spilker, Gabriele, 1979- HC59.72.E5S65 2013 IN
Book Globalizing social justice : the role of non-government organizations in bringing about social change Atkinson, Jeff. HC60.A844 2009 IN
Serial Globally harmonized system of classification and labelling of chemicals : (GHS) Doc.T55.3.H3G625 IN
Map Globemaster world globe. CRC Globe 001 1991 IN
Mixed Globin genes in Micronesia : origins and affinities of Pacific Island peoples VerF.0421 Pac. IN
Book Gloire des nations. English Carrère d'Encausse, Hélène. DK288.C3713 1993 IN
Video Glorious MITC VC 1247 IN
Book The glorious cause : the American Revolution, 1763-1789 Middlekauff, Robert. E173.O94 2005 IN
Book The glorious flight : across the channel with Louis Bleriot Provensen, Alice CRC.Pic.P76 1983 IN
Book A glorious way to die : the kamikaze mission of the battleship Yamato, April 1945 Spurr, Russell. Pac.D777.5.Y33S68 IN
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