View previous page View next page Call Number Search: HV6431.M71 2008
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HV6431.M71 2008 The globalization of martyrdom : Al Qaeda, Salafi Jihad, and the diffusion of suicide attacks. Moghadam, Assaf, 1974- IN
Book HV6431.S9 2002 A faceless enemy : the origins of modern terrorism. Schweitzer, Glenn E., 1930- IN
Book HV6431.T485 2000 Terrorism : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book HV6431.T567 1994 Business handbook on terrorism, security and survival : a proactive guide for personal security in today's business environment. Thomas, Gerry S. IN
Book HV6432.7.N39 2004 The 9/11 Commission report : final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. IN
Book HV6432.7.W666 2004 The World Trade Center and global crisis : critical perspectives. IN
Book HV6432.B8 2002 At Ground Zero : the young reporters who were there tell their stories. IN
Book HV6432.C53 2004b Against all enemies : inside America's war on terror. Clarke, Richard A. IN
Book HV6432.M66 2003 The hunt for Bin Laden : Task Force Dagger. Moore, Robin, 1925-2008. IN
eBook HV6432.P37 2002 Agricultural bioterrorism : a federal strategy to meet the threat. Parker, Henry S. IN
Book HV6432.R48 2000 Responding to terrorism victims : Oklahoma City and beyond. IN
Book HV6432.S87 2006 The one percent doctrine : deep inside America's pursuit of its enemies since 9/11. Suskind, Ron. IN
Book HV6433.M628Z8 2003 Tinderbox : U.S. foreign policy and the roots of terrorism. Zunes, Stephen. IN
Book HV6453.J33Y355 1986 Yakuza : the explosive account of Japan's criminal underworld. Kaplan, David E., 1955- IN
Book HV6533.C2D62 2005 Such good boys : the true story of mother, two sons, and a horrifying murder. Dirmann, Tina OUT
Book HV6533.C6F84 2008 Taken from home : a family, a dark secret, and a brutal murder. Francis, Eric. IN
Book HV6533.K3C17 1994 In cold blood : a true account of a multiple murder and its consequences. Capote, Truman, 1924- IN
Book HV6533.M4G46 2003 Twisted : the secret desires and bizarre double life of Dr. Richard Sharpe. Glatt, John. IN
Book HV6533.N3M33 1990 In a child's name : the legacy of a mother's murder. Maas, Peter, 1929- IN
Book HV6533.V8T39 2002 The count and the confession : a true mystery. Taylor, John, 1955- IN
Book HV6534.G85F74 1991 Unanswered cries : a true story of friends, neighbors, and murder in a small town. French, Thomas, 1958- IN
Book HV6534.J36T45 2002 A death in Texas : a story of race, murder, and a small town’s struggle for redemption. Temple-Raston, Dina. IN
Book HV6534.L7M36 2014 Tinseltown : murder, morphine, and madness at the dawn of Hollywood. Mann, William J. IN
Book HV6534.N5G68 2001 A cold case. Gourevitch, Philip, 1961- IN
Book HV6534.R43L16 2008 Deadly dose : the untold story of a homicide investigator's crusade for truth and justice. Lamb, Amanda. IN
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