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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book LB41.P572 1998 Philosophers on education : historical perspectives. IN
Book LB45.E15 2005 Educations and their purposes : a conversation among cultures. East-West Philosophers' Conference (9th : 2005 : Honolulu, Hawaii) IN
Book LB5.B31 2001 National strategies for e-learning in post-secondary education and training. Bates, Tony, 1939- IN
Book LB5.N25 1999 v.98 pt.1 The education of teachers. IN
Book LB512.E4 1979 Emile : or, On education. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778. IN
Book LB518.M84 2010 Freedom and Authority in Alexander S. Neill's and Jean Jacques Rousseau's Philosophy of Education : Padagogik. Muller, Sven. IN
Book LB7.A39 2009 The adventure of education : process philosophers on learning, teaching, and research. IN
Book LB775.M8C54 1992 The Montessori controversy. Chattin-McNichols, John. IN
Book LB775.M76M6713 2004 The Montessori method : the origins of an educational innovation, including an abridged and annotated edition of Maria Montessori's The Montessori method. Montessori, Maria, 1870-1952. IN
Book LB775.M341S6613 1989 Education for creative living : ideas and proposals of Tsunesabur›o Makiguchi. Makiguchi, Tsunesabur›o, 1871-1944. IN
Book LB775.P49F95 1970 Piaget for teachers. Furth, Hans G. IN
Book LB775.P57 1970 Science of education and the psychology of the child. Piaget, Jean., 1896- IN
Book LB85.A7C87 2000 Aristotle on the necessity of public education. Curren, Randall R. IN
Book LB875.B715 1965 Education for the emerging age; newer ends and stronger means. Brameld, Theodore Burghard Hurt, 1904- OUT
Book LB875.D5B47 2000 Eminent educators : studies in intellectual influence. Berube, Maurice R. IN
Book LB875.D5F57 1998 John Dewey and the challenge of classroom practice. Fishman, Stephen M. IN
 2 LB880.F73P4313 1993
Book LB880.F732 R62 2000 Education, literacy, and humanization : exploring the work of Paulo Freire. Roberts, Peter, 1963- IN
Book LB880.I36A3 2001 Soka education : a Buddhist vision for teachers, students, and parents. Ikeda, Daisaku. IN
Book LB885.B83 1966 Toward a theory of instruction. Bruner, Jerome S. (Jerome Seymour) OUT
Book LB885.C522A3 2000 Chomsky on miseducation. Chomsky, Noam IN
Book LB885.G37W45 2000 The discipline mind : beyond facts and standardized tests, the K-12 education that every child deserves. Gardner, Howard IN
Book LC1023.G74 1996 Greening the college curriculum : a guide to environmental teaching in the liberal arts: a project of the Rainforest Alliance. IN
Book LC1031.R95 2004 Developing key competencies in education : some lessons from international and national experience. Rychen, Dominique Simone. IN
Book LC1035.6.U54 1993 Teaching the SCANS competencies. United States. Dept. of Labor. Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. IN
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