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Book ARC. 1300:5 Ponape District health annual implementation plan (AIP) : Project: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands - 75/001. IN
Mixed ARC. 1379:5 Population growth in Micronesia. Kay, Alan. IN
Book ARC. 1421:18 Report on public hearings for the wastewater facilities plan. Department of Public Works. IN
Book ARC. 1430:0109 Environmental country report for the Trust Territory of the pacific. Trust Territory Department of Health Services. IN
Book ARC. 1435:24 Clean islands : A pollution control program. IN
Book ARC. 1477:0096 High Commissioner's report on the State of the Territory, delivered to the Congress of Micronesia, January 197 : Koror, Palau, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands /. IN
Book ARC. 1530:8 Program performance on formula grants 1977. IN
 2 ARC. 1539:6
Book ARC. 2002-07 Developing Micronesia's people : Conference on Human Development held in Kolonia, Ponape, Mar. 4-8, 1975. National Human Development Conference (1975 : Kolonia, Micronesia (Federated States)) IN
Book ARC. 2002-13 Evaluation and planning for a new millennium. Cutright, Patricia J. IN
Book ARC.2008-55 Diet and disease for Micronesia. Parkinson, Linda. OUT
 7 ARC. 2008-57
 4 ARC. 2008-116
Book ARC. 2085:2 A proposal for solar salinity gradient ponds for solar energy storage and electricity generation in Micronesia. OUT
Book ARC. 2100:7 Inventory of wetland vegetation in the Caroline Islands. Stemmermann, Lani. IN
Book ARC. 2102:8 Archaeological and ethnographic investigations alignment 5B airport historical area, Yap, Western Caroline Islands. Denfeld, Duane. IN
Book ARC. 2102:11 Environmental impact assessment proposed Ponape marine resources facility first increment, Ponape district, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. IN
Book ARC. 2102:16 Feasibility study - Yap airport, Yap district, Western Caroline Islands for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Office of the High Commissioner : Final report, TT contract 171-33, AS-71-11, 15 March 1971. IN
Book ARC. 2105:3 In the United States court of appeals for the ninth circuit, no. 75-1859. IN
Book ARC. 2106:8 Report of the Tol Island road archaeological survey, Truk district, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, contract number F6H 01A100-251 or B-78-10. IN
Book ARC. 2106:9 Tales of the Tengu : field notes of archaeological research on the Tol island, Truk lagoon, Eastern Caroline Islands. Edwards, Rob. IN
Book ARC. 2112:11 Basis for design for Ponape district road improvements. Department of Transportation and Communications. IN
Book ARC. 2115:3 Environmental impact assessment for the Palau water system improvements, phase ii, prepared by Hawaii architects and engineers, Inc., 1982. Office of Planning and Statistics. IN
Book ARC. AE01 1977 Environmental impact assessment report for Ponape International Airport : proposed improvements. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Office of the High Commissioner. Ponape District. IN
Serial ARC.AR01 1951 Annual report of the High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands to the Secretary of the Interior, fiscal year ended ... Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the High Commissioner. IN
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