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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book LB3060.83.O532 2003b Multidisciplinary units for grades 6-8. O'Hara, Susan Pauline. IN
Book LB3060.83 .V56 2009 From a nation at risk to no child left behind : national education goals and the creation of federal education policy. Vinovskis, Maris. IN
Book LB3060.217.G63 2002 Six simple ways to assess young children. Gober, Sue. IN
Book LB3063.A435 Measuring and evaluating educational achievement. Ahmann, J. Stanley. OUT
Book LB3063.S74 2005 Introduction to rubrics : an assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback, and promote student learning / Dannelle D. Stevens, Antonia Levi. Stevens, Dannelle D. IN
Book LB3209.M36 1996 Plugged in and turned on : planning, coordinating, and managing computer-supported instruction. McCain, Charles H. IN
Book LB3409.U5R63 2003 Safety, nutrition, and health in early education. Robertson, Catherine, 1946- IN
Book LB343.32.E35 1988 Surviving freshman composition. Edelstein, Scott. IN
Book LB3609.W45 2002 Academic dishonesty : an educator's guide. Whitley, Bernard E. IN
Book LB3831.824.W6P38 1992 Leadership for tomorrow's schools. Petterson, Jerry L., 1944- IN
Book LB3965.D86 2001 Students at risk : solutions to classroom challenges. Duquette, Cheryll IN
Book LB4031.M42 1994 Assessing special students. McLoughlin, James A. IN
Book LB41.E48 2007 Teach like your hair's on fire : the methods and madness inside room 56. Esquith, Rafe. IN
Book LB41.G65 1994 What schools are for. Goodlad, John I. IN
Book LB41.J23 1991 Creating learning communities : the role of the teacher in the 21st century. Jalongo, Mary Renck. IN
Book LB41.M619 2001 Methods in philosophy of education. IN
Book LB41.P572 1998 Philosophers on education : historical perspectives. IN
Book LB45.E15 2005 Educations and their purposes : a conversation among cultures. East-West Philosophers' Conference (9th : 2005 : Honolulu, Hawaii) IN
Book LB5.B31 2001 National strategies for e-learning in post-secondary education and training. Bates, Tony, 1939- IN
Book LB5.N25 1999 v.98 pt.1 The education of teachers. IN
Book LB512.E4 1979 Emile : or, On education. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778. IN
Book LB518.M84 2010 Freedom and Authority in Alexander S. Neill's and Jean Jacques Rousseau's Philosophy of Education : Padagogik. Muller, Sven. IN
Book LB7.A39 2009 The adventure of education : process philosophers on learning, teaching, and research. IN
Book LB775.M8C54 1992 The Montessori controversy. Chattin-McNichols, John. IN
Book LB775.M76M6713 2004 The Montessori method : the origins of an educational innovation, including an abridged and annotated edition of Maria Montessori's The Montessori method. Montessori, Maria, 1870-1952. IN
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