View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.J981.T7H3 1978-79 c.2
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.HQ1866.N6 International Women's Year : Northern Marianas Women's Conference, August 6-7, 1977, Saipan Beach. International Women's Year (1977 : Saipan) IN
Book Pac.HQ1866.R4 1975 Regional Workshop on Future Trends in the Development of Wonen's Programmes in the South Pacific Region, Suva, Fiji, 8-19 December 1975 : report. Regional Workshop on Future Trends in the Development of Women's Programmes in the South Pacific Region (1975 : Suva, Fiji) IN
Book Pac.HQ1866.6S83 The domains and the arbitrating functions of Palauan women. Steimle, Petra IN
Book Pac.HQ1867.B37 2010 Assessment of the application of the 'parity law' in New Caledonia, French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna (April-June 2007). Bargel, Lucie. IN
Book Pac.HQ1867.5.Z75A3 2003 Ni-Vanuatu role models : successful women in their own right. IN
Book Pac.HQ1867.7.C435 2005 Women and men of Fiji Islands : gender statistics and trends. Chandra, Dharma IN
Book Pac.HQ1868.7.S36 1983 Women's associations in the rural economy of the South Pacific : case studies from Western Samoa and East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea. Meleisea, Penelope Schoeffel. IN
Book Pac.HQ1868.7.S355 2003 Samoan women : widening choices. Samoa Association of Women Graduates. Conference (1st : 2000 : Apia, Samoa) IN
Book Pac.HQ1869.F5W6 1975 Women's role in Fiji. IN
Mixed Pac.HQ1870.9.E7U1 2012 Empower women: Develop a Community, Develop a nation. United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women IN
Book Pac.HQ1870.9.J36 1985 Women of the world : a chartbook for developing regions. Jamison, Ellen. IN
 2 Pac.HQ1885.W6 1961a c.2
 2 Pac. HQ1885 W6 1961 c.2
Book Pac.HQ2030.4.W66 1993 Women together : a history of women's organizations in New Zealand Ngä Röpü Wähine o te Motu. IN
 2 Pac.HQ6451.A5S43
Serial Pac.HS2705.L53F42 2008 Lions Clubs International District 204 : 16th anniversary & district induction. IN
Book Pac.HT107.S957 1974 Papers of the Symposium on Social Forces in Urbanization, May 13-17, 1974. Symposium on Social Forces in Urbanization (1975 : East-West Center) IN
Book Pac.HT123.U1 1973 Urban change and the planning syndrome. IN
Book Pac.HT147.A2H86 1984 Human settlements atlas for Asia and the Pacific. IN
Book Pac. HT147 A2 R57 1985 The Rise and growth of the colonial port cities in Asia. IN
 3 Pac.HT149.A2E69 1984
 2 Pac. HT149 .M625 C66 c.1
 7 Pac.HT149.O3P11 1994
 5 Pac.HT149 .P3I46 c.1
 3 Pac.HT165.K84K84s 1976
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