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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Bargel, Lucie. Assessment of the application of the 'parity law' in New Caledonia, French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna (April-June 2007). Pac.HQ1867.B37 2010 IN
 2 Barger, M. Susan, 1949-
Book Barghusen, Joan D., 1935- The aztecs. F1219.73.B356 2002 IN
Book Bariche, M. (Michel) Field identification guide to the living marine resources of the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean = DaliÌ„l hÌÐaqliÌ„ li-taÊyiÌ„n huwiÌ„yyat al-mawaÌ„rid al-bahÌÐriÌ„yah al-hÌÐayyah li-sharqiÌ„ al-BahÌÐr al-MutawassitÌÐ wa-januÌ„bih. FAO.QL621.4.B37 2012 IN
Book Barikmo, Ingrid Table de composition d'aliments du Mali = food composition table for Mali. Pac.TX551.B375 2004 IN
Book Barker, Clive, 1952- Galilee : a romance. PB BAR OUT
Book Barker, D. J. P. (David James Purslove) Epidemiology in medical practice. RA651.B24 1998 IN
Book Barker, Donald I. Internet research--illustrated. ZA4230.B37 2010 IN
Book Barker, Felix. London from the air. DA684.24.H38 1992 IN
Book Barker, Holly M. Bravo for the Marshallese : regaining control in a post-nuclear, post-colonial world. Pac.DU710.B24 2004 IN
Book Barker-Hudson, B. E. T. The status of the dugong (dugon dugon) in Vanuatu. Pac QL737.S63C52 1989 IN
Book Barker, Jason E. Herbs and nutrients for the mind : a guide to natural brain enhancers. RC350.H47M44 2004 IN
Book Barker, John, 1953- ed. Christianity in Oceania : ethnographic perspectives. Pac.BR1490.C47 1990 IN
Mixed Barker, Margaret. The Book of Enoch and cosmic sin. VF 19 BAR 2000 IN
Book Barker, Nicolas. ABC for book collectors. Ref.Z1006.C37 1995 IN
Book Barker, Philip, 1950- Michel Foucault : an introduction. B2430.F724B368 1998 IN
Book Barker, Philip J. Severe depression : a practitioner's guide. RC537.B37 1992 IN
Book Barker, Roger G. (Roger Garlock), 1903- Ecological psychology; concepts and methods for studying the environment of human behavior.
 2 Barkley, Alben William, 1877-1956.
 2 Barkley, Elizabeth F.
Book Barkley, Richard A., 1929- Oceanographic atlas of the Pacific Ocean,. Pac.G2681.C7B3 IN
Mixed Barkley, Russell A. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. VF 316 BAR 1998 IN
Book Barkley, Russell A., 1949- Taking charge of ADHD : the complete, authoritative guide for parents. RJ506.H9B373 2000 IN
Book Barkman, Robert C. Coaching science stars : pep talk and play book for real-world problem solving. LB1585.C64B37 1991 IN
Book Barkow, Jerome H. The adapted mind : evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture. BF711.A33 1992 IN
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