View previous page View next page Call Number Search: GN269.G46 2009
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book FAO.SB123.3.C643 2012 Conservation and sustainable use under the International Treaty. IN
Book FAO.SB123.3.F75 2011 Plant genetic resources and food security : stakeholder perspectives on the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. IN
Book FAO.SB123.3.G45 2013 Genebank standards for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. OUT
Book FAO. SB123.3.I62 2011 Introduction to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. IN
Book FAO.SB123.3.M56 2014 The funding strategy of the international treaty : this is the third educational. Mink, Patrick, author, editor. IN
Book FAO.SB123.3.S43 2011 Second global plan of action for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture : adopted by the FAO Council, Rome, Italy, 29 November 2011. IN
Book FAO.SB123.6.S63 2009 Socio-economic impacts of non-transgenic biotechnologies in developing countries : the case of plant micropropagation in Africa. IN
Book FAO.SB175.S43 2010 The second report on the state of the world's plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. IN
Book FAO.SB176.A4A47 2007 Crops, browse and pollinators in Africa : an initial stock-taking. African Pollinators Initiative. IN
Book FAO.SB176.D44Q35 2010 Quality declared planting material : protocols and standards for vegetatively propagated crops : expert consultation, Lima, 27-29 November 2007. IN
Book FAO.SB191.O2F63 Fodder oats : a world overview. IN
 2 FAO.SB191.R5R53 2005
Book FAO.SB191.T7T7327 2004 Triticale improvement and production. IN
Book FAO.SB191.W5B77 2002 Bread wheat : improvement and production. IN
Book FAO.SB211.C3H69 2013 Save and grow : cassava : a guide to sustainable production intensification. Howeler, R. H. IN
 2 FAO.SB211.P8N49 2009
Book FAO.SB317.B2W67 2007 World bamboo resources : a thematic study prepared in the framework of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005. IN
Book FAO.SB317.P3J63 2011 Tropical palms. Johnson, Dennis Victor, 1937- IN
Book FAO.SB319.7.K33 2004 The role of post-harvest management in assuring the quality and safety of horticultural produce. Kader, Adel A. IN
Book FAO.SB319.75.D36 2007 Private standards in the United States and European Union markets for fruit and vegetables : implications for developing countries. Dankers, Cora. IN
Book FAO.SB319.75.L55 2004 Voluntary standards and certification for environmentally and socially responsible agricultural production and trade. Liu, Pascal. IN
Book FAO.SB367.B375 2002 Classification, origin, diffusion and history of the olive. Bartolini, Giorgio. IN
Book FAO.SB451.L35 2004 Livelihoods grow in gardens : diversifying rural incomes through home gardens. Landon-Lane, Chris. IN
Book FAO.SB761.B63 2003 An illustrated guide to the state of health of trees : recognition and interpretation of symptoms and damage. Boa, E. R. IN
Book FAO.SB761.G56 2009 Global review of forests pests and diseases : a thematic study prepared in the framework of the Global forest resources assessment 2005. IN
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