View previous page View next page Call Number Search: E255.M38 1978
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book FAO.S698.C53 2004 High hopes for post-harvest : a new look at village-scale crop processing. Clarke, Brian. IN
Book FAO.S760.A3I59 2011 Investment in agricultural mechanization in Africa : conclusions and recommendations of a Round Table Meeting of Experts. IN
Book FAO.S944.5.I57R47 2003 Research towards integrated natural resources management : examples of research problems, approaches, and partnerships in action in the CGIAR. IN
Book FAO.SB55.S48 2005 Setting up and running a school garden : a manual for teachers, parents and communities. IN
Book FAO.SB106.B56S73 2005 Status of research and application of crop biotechnologies in developing countries : preliminary assessment. IN
Book FAO.SB114.5.P76 2010 Promoting the growth and development of smallholder seed enterprises for food security crops : case studies from Brazil, Co?te d'Ivoire and India. IN
Book FAO.SB114.53.D44N43 2010 Promoting the growth and development of smallholder seed enterprises for food security crops : best practices and options for decision making. Neate, Paul J. H. IN
 3 FAO.SB117.4.D44.Q35 2006
Book FAO.SB118.4.S44 2010 Seeds in emergencies : a technical handbook. IN
Book FAO.SB123.I576 2008 Induced plant mutations in the genomics era. International Symposium on Induced Mutations in Plants (2008 : Vienna International Centre) IN
Book FAO.SB123.P53 2009 Plant breeding and farmer participation. IN
Book FAO SB123.P5637 2012 Plant mutation breeding and biotechnology. IN
Book FAO.SB123.3.C643 2012 Conservation and sustainable use under the International Treaty. IN
Book FAO.SB123.3.F75 2011 Plant genetic resources and food security : stakeholder perspectives on the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. IN
Book FAO.SB123.3.G45 2013 Genebank standards for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. OUT
Book FAO. SB123.3.I62 2011 Introduction to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. IN
Book FAO.SB123.3.M56 2014 The funding strategy of the international treaty : this is the third educational. Mink, Patrick, author, editor. IN
Book FAO.SB123.3.S43 2011 Second global plan of action for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture : adopted by the FAO Council, Rome, Italy, 29 November 2011. IN
Book FAO.SB123.6.S63 2009 Socio-economic impacts of non-transgenic biotechnologies in developing countries : the case of plant micropropagation in Africa. IN
Book FAO.SB175.S43 2010 The second report on the state of the world's plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. IN
Book FAO.SB176.A4A47 2007 Crops, browse and pollinators in Africa : an initial stock-taking. African Pollinators Initiative. IN
Book FAO.SB176.D44Q35 2010 Quality declared planting material : protocols and standards for vegetatively propagated crops : expert consultation, Lima, 27-29 November 2007. IN
Book FAO.SB191.O2F63 Fodder oats : a world overview. IN
 2 FAO.SB191.R5R53 2005
Book FAO.SB191.T7T7327 2004 Triticale improvement and production. IN
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