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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Handelsman, J. B., illus. ... if you sailed on the Mayflower. CRC F68.M12 IN
Video Handersen, Bridgette Bounty 1984 versions. MITC VC 45 IN
Book Handford, J. Albert. In the Dawn's early light. PN3433.5.H19 2007 OUT
Book Handler, David, 1952- The cold blue blood : a Berger & Mitry mystery. PB HAN 2002 OUT
Book Handley, Bill, 1943- Speed math for kids : the fast, fun way to do basic calculations. QA135.6.H19 2005 IN
Serial Handley, Charles O. (Charles Overton) 1924- Demography and natural history of the common fruit bat, Artibeus jamaicensis, on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Gov. SI 1.27:511 OUT
Book Handlin, Oscar, 1915- The uprooted. E184.A1H27 1990 IN
 2 Handloff, Robert Earl.
Book Handman, Gary, 1950- Video collection development in multi-type libraries : a handbook. Ref.Z692.V52V48 2002 IN
Book Handsfield H. Hunter. Color atlas and synopsis of sexually transmitted diseases. RC200.H19 2001 IN
Book Handy, E. S. Craighill (Edward Smith Craighill), 1892- Marquesan legends. Pac.GR385.M3H3 1930 IN
Book Handy, Edward Smith Craighill. Samoan house building, cooking, and tattooing. Pac.GN670.S3H3 1971 IN
 3 Handy, Edward Smith Craighill, 1892-
Book Handy, Elizabeth Green, 1921- Native planters in old Hawaii : their life, lore, and environment. Pac.GN424.H3 IN
 2 Handy, Willowdean Chatterson.
Book Hane, Paula. Great scouts : cyberguides for subject searching on the web. ZA4201.P38 1999 IN
Book Haney, C. Michele, 1944- Promoting learning through active interaction : a guide to early communication with young children who have multiple disabilities. HV888.K57 2000 IN
Book Hanft, Adam. Dictionary of the future : the words, terms, and trends that define the way we'll live, work, and talk. Ref.CB161.P66 2001 IN
Book Hang, Xing, 1982- Encyclopedia of national anthems. Ref.M1627.E53 2011 IN
Book Hangrove, Julia The executive branch of the Government. CRC JK517.H19 2000 IN
Book Hanks, Caroline. Putting into practice the ecosystem approach to fisheries. FAO.K3672.7.A77 2005 IN
Book Hanks, Gardner C., 1947- Against the death penalty : Christian and secular arguments against capital punishment. HV8694.H25 1997 IN
Serial Hanks, Sidney H. Hardwood nursery guide. Gov.A1.76:473/994 IN
Video Hanks, Tom Extremely loud & incredibly close. MITC DVD 599 IN
Mixed Hanley, Anthony The use of a communications satellite in an epidemiology conference.
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