View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Gov. SI 1.27:511
  Call Number Title Author Status
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:511 Demography and natural history of the common fruit bat, Artibeus jamaicensis, on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. OUT
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:512 Pycnogonida from waters adjacent to Japan. Nakamura, Koichiro. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:513 "Larval" and juvenile cephalopods : a manual for their identification. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:514 Catalog of the type specimens of stony corals (Milleporidae, Stylasteridae, Scleractinia) in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institition / Stephen D. Cairns. Cairns, Stephen D. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:515 Biosystematic studies of Ceylonese wasps, XIX : natural history notes in several families (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae, Vespidae, Pompilidae, and Crabonidae). Krombein, Karl V. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:516 Myodocopid Ostracoda of hydrothermal vents in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Kornicker, Louis S., 1919- IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:518 Phylogenetic relationships of hedgehogs and gymnures (Mammalia, Insectivora, Erinaceidae). Frost, Darrel R. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:519 Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural Hisotry, Smithsonian Insitution,. National Museum of Natural History (U.S.) IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:520 Studies of neotrpical caddisflies, XLV : the taxonomy, phenology, and faunistics of the Trichoptera of Antioquia, Colombia. Flint, Oliver S. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:521 Stomatopod Crustacea collected by the Galathea Expedition, 1950-1952, with a list of Stomatopoda known from depths below 400 meters. Manning, Raymond B., 1934- IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:522 Studies in Gymnomyzinae (Diptera, Ephydridae), II : a revision of the shore fly subgenus Pseudohecamede Hendel of the genus Allotrichoma Becker. Mathis, Wayne N. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:523 A review of the genus Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicidae) based upon type material. Fauchald, Kristian. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:524 Biology and systematics of Greya Busck and Tetragma new genus (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae). Davis, Donald R. (Donald Ray) IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27: 525 Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of Natural History (U.S) IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:526 Pycnogonida of the Southeast Pacific Biological Oceanographic Project (SEPBOP). Child, C. Allan IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:527 A review of the Grapsid crab genus Sesarma (Crustacea: Decapoda: Grapsidae) in America, with the description of a new genus. Abele, Lawrence G. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:528 The aquatic beetle subfamily Larainae (Coleoptera: Elmidae) in Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. Spangler, Paul J. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:529 Systematics of the neotropical characiform genus Cyphochcarax Fowler (Pisces, Ostariophysi). Vari, Richard P. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:530 Ostracoda (Halocypridina, Cladocopina) from anchialine caves in Jamaica, West Indies. Kornicker, Louis S. 1919- IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:531 Myodocopid Ostracoda of the Benthedi Expedition, 1977, to the NE Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean. Kornicker, Louis S., 1919- IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:532 Contribution to the polychaete family Pholoidae Kinberg. Pettibone, Marian H. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:533 Systematics of the Neotropical characiform genus Cyphocharax Fowler (Pisces, Ostariophysi). Vari, Richard P. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:534 The mating behavior of Iguana iguana. Rodda, Gordon H. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:535 Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the Naitonal Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Insitution. Ferraris, Carl J. IN
Serial Gov. SI 1.27:536 World catalog of the beach-fly family Canacidae (Diptera). Mathis, Wayne N. IN
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