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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Cameron, Allan W. The strategic significance of the Pacific Islands : a new debate begins. Pac.DU500.5.C14 1975 IN
Book Cameron, Ann, 1943- Julian's glorious summer. CRC Pic.C234 1987 IN
Book Cameron, Burgess. Australia's economic policies. Pac.HC605.C239 IN
 3 Cameron, Caren, 1949-
Book Cameron, Craig M., 1958- American samurai : myth, imagination, and the conduct of battle in the First Marine Division, 1941-1951. VE23.22.C14 1994 IN
Book Cameron, Debra. Learning GNU Emacs. QA76.76.T49C14 1996 IN
 2 Cameron, Effie.
Book Cameron, Esther. Facilitation made easy : practical tips to improve meetings & workshops. HM751.C14 2001 IN
Book Cameron, F. E. The influence of the U.S. Constitution on Pacific nations. Pac.KF4541.A2I54 1988 IN
Book Cameron, Ian, 1924- The wind at morning. Pac.PZ4.P344W14 IN
Video Cameron, James 1954- Titanic. MITC VC 1112 A IN
 2 Cameron, John.
Book Cameron, John, 1850-1925. John Cameron's odyssey. Pac.G530.C25 1928 IN
Mixed Cameron, John University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom. Economic development options for Federated States of Micronesia at independence. Pac.HC681.7.C14 1991 c.2 IN
Book Cameron, Kim S. Diagnosing and changing organizational culture : based on the competing values framework. HD58.8.C14 2006 IN
Book Cameron, Noel. Human growth and development. QP84.H85 2002x IN
Book Cameron, Penny. Bridge across the Caribbean : favorite Caribbeab stories. CRC. PZ 25.C344 2000 IN
Book Cameron, Robert S., 1965- Mobility, shock, and firepower : the emergence of the U.S. Army's armor branch, 1917-1945. Gov.D114.19:M71 IN
Book Cameron, Sonja. Using computers in history. D16.12.C21 2005 IN
 3 Cameron, Stella
Book Camfoo, Nelly. Love against the law : the autobiographies of Tex and Nelly Camfoo. Pac.GN667.N6C36 2000 IN
Book Camfoo, Tex. Love against the law : the autobiographies of Tex and Nelly Camfoo. Pac.GN667.N6C36 2000 IN
Book Camilleri, Andrea. The shape of water. PB CAM 2002 IN
Book Camiz, Franca Trinchieri. Art and music in the early modern period : essays in honor of Franca Trinchieri Camiz. ML3849.A77 2003 IN
Map Camm, J. C. R. (Jack Charles Robert) Australians, a historical atlas. Ref.G2751.S1A8 1987 IN
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