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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Beck, D. Elden, 1906- Invertebrate zoology : a laboratory manual. QL362.W33 2003 IN
Book Beck, Don L. President Air Micronesia. Micronesia visitor's guide to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.DU500.M63 1978 IN
Book Beck, Emily Morison, ed. Familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. Ref.PN6081.B27 1980 IN
 10 Beck, Isabel L.
Book Beck, Jeffrey A. User surveys in college libraries. Z675.U5U86 1995 IN
Book Beck, John, 1933- Encyclopedia of percussion. Ref.ML102.P4E5 1995 IN
Book Beck, John C., 1959- The change of a lifetime : employment patterns among Japan's managerial elite. HD38.25.J3B43 1993 IN
Book Beck, Judith S. Cognitive therapy : basics and beyond. RC489.C63B43 1995 IN
Book Beck, Leonard N. Two loaf-givers : or a tour through the gastronomic libraries of Katherine Golden Bitting and Elizabeth Robins Pennell. Gov. LC 23.2: L78 IN
Book Beck, Leslie Youth and alcohol, N.M.I. VerF.0576 Pac. IN
Book Beck, Mark. Theory & practice of therapeutic massage. RM721.B42 2010 IN
Book Beck, Martha Nibley, 1962- The change of a lifetime : employment patterns among Japan's managerial elite. HD38.25.J3B43 1993 IN
Book Beck, Meryl Hershey. Stop eating your heart out : the 21-day program to free yourself from emotional eating. RC552.C65B43 2012 IN
Book Beck, Simone, 1904-1991. Mastering the art of French cooking. TX719.C454 1984 v.2 IN
 4 Becke, Louis, 1855-1913.
Book Becker, Aaron, 1974- Journey. CRC PZ7.B38125 2013 IN
Book Becker, Benjawan Poomsan. Thai-English, English-Thai dictionary : with transliteration for non-Thai speakers. Ref.PL4187.E5B43 2002 IN
Book Becker, Bonny. A bedtime for Bear. CRC PZ7.B43 2010 IN
Book Becker, Christine Schwarz, 1949- Effective communication : getting the message across. JS89.E35 1983 IN
Serial Becker, Christopher H. Improved analysis of DNA short tandem repeats with time-of-flight mass spectrometry : science and technology research report. Gov.J28.2:D44/3 IN
Book Becker, Elizabeth. When the war was over : Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge revolution. DS554.8.B43 1998 IN
Mixed Becker, Jim. Look what's happened to Honolulu! : Jim Becker. VerF 0539.69 Pac IN
Book Becker, Joyce Scardina. Countdown to your perfect wedding : from engagement ring to honeymoon, a week-by-week guide to planning the happiest day of your life. HQ745.B425 2006 IN
Book Becker, Judith C. Traditional music in modern Java : gamelan in a changing society. Pac.ML1251.J4B4 IN
Book Becker, Nettie. A comprehensive guide for caregivers in day-care settings : training child care workers and parents to reduce the at-risk factor in infants and young children. HQ778.5.B43 1999 IN
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