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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book United States. National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Pacific Basin communications study. Pac.TK5102.3.O3Y68 IN
 9 United States. National Weather Service.
Serial United States National Weather Service Integrated Hydrometeorological Services Core. Mariners weather log. Gov. C 55.135: IN
Book United States. National Weather Service. Western Region. Disastrous floods from the severe winter storms in California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho : December 1996 - January 1997. Gov.C55.20:F65/14 IN
 2 United States. Native Hawaiians Study Commission.
 14 United States. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Book United States. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Resource Economics and Social Sciences Division. The history of snow survey and water supply forecasting : interviews with U.S. Department of Agriculture pioneers. Gov.A 57.74:8 IN
Book United States Naval Academy History Symposium (16th : 2009) New interpretations in naval history : selected papers from the sixteenth Naval History Symposium held at the United States Naval Academy, 10-11 September 2009. Gov.D208.210:20/2012 IN
Book United States. Naval History Division. Naval documents of the American Revolution. Gov.D207.12:v.9 IN
Book United States. Naval History Division. Operational Archives. World War II histories and historical reports in the U.S. Naval History Division : partial checklist. Pac.CD3034.N38 1977 IN
 2 United States Naval Institute.
Book United States. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2. Report on collections of birds made by United States Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2 in the Pacific war area. Pac.QL694.A1B3 IN
Book United States Naval Observatory. Nautical Almanac office. The astronomical almanac for the year ... Gov.D 213.8: IN
Book United States. Naval Weather Service Command. Summary of synoptic meteorological observations : Hawaiian and selected North Pacific island coastal marine areas. Pac.QC994.6.U63 v.4 IN
Video United States Navy. Famous marine battles. MITC VC 307 IN
Book United States. Navy. 14th Naval District. Marshallese-English and English-Marshallese dictionary : with notes on pronunciation and grammar. Pac.PL6255.Z5U1 1945 IN
Book United States. Navy Cross. Saipan: suicide Island. Pac.D767.99.S3G11 1990 IN
Book United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Medical Statistics Division. Health survey of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.RA558.T7H38 IN
Book United States. Navy Department Hydrographic Office. Caroline, Marianas, Marshall and Gilbert islands.
Serial United States. Navy Department. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Marshall Islands statistical supplement. May 20, 1944. Pac.DU710.U5 1944 IN
 4 United States. Navy Dept.
Book United States. Navy Dept. Library. Guide to United States naval administrative histories of World War II. Pac.VB23.U55 1976 IN
Mixed United States. Navy. Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Military intelligence in the Pacific, 1942-1946 : Bulletins of the Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Area, Joint Intelligence Center, and the Commander-In-Chief, Pacifc and Pacific Ocean Area. Pac.D773.U52M62 1984 IN
Book United States Navy Pacific Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Design criteria for water supply : sewerage and electrical systems in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 30 August 1978. Pac.TD365.U56 IN
Mixed United States. Navy. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas. Military intelligence in the Pacific, 1942-1946 : Bulletins of the Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Area, Joint Intelligence Center, and the Commander-In-Chief, Pacifc and Pacific Ocean Area. Pac.D773.U52M62 1984 IN
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