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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Mackinnon, Doug. Policing Australia's offshore zones : problems and prospects. Pac.K7006.A8M375 1997 IN
Book MacKinnon, Douglas, 1955- America's last days. PB MAC 2007 IN
Book MacKinnon, John & Kathy Environmental Conservationists, based in UK Managing protected areas in the tropics. QH541.15.M64M35 1982 IN
Book Mackinnon, John Ramsay. Borneo. QH185.M21 1975 IN
Book Mackintosh-Smith, Tim, 1961- Yemen : travels in dictionary land. DS247.Y42M295 1997 IN
Book Mackrell, Brian. Hariru Wikitoria! : an illustrated history of the Maori tour of England, 1863. Pac.DU423.G6M32 1985 IN
 2 Maclachlan, Patricia
Book MacLean, Alistair, 1922-1987. Captain Cook. Pac.G246.C7M3 1972 IN
Book Maclean, Colin, 1930- What happens when you look?. CRC Pic.R5 1985 IN
 3 MacLean, Colin D.
Book MacLean, Don. Internet governance : a grand collaboration : an edited collection of papers contributed to the United Nations ICT Task Force Global Forum on Internet Governance, New York, March 25-26, 2004. Doc.TK5105.875.I57 IN
Book Maclean, Elizabeth. The 1986 National nutrition survey of the Kingdom of Tonga : summary report prepared for the National Food and Nutrition Committee. Pac.TX360.T6M32 1987 IN
Book Maclean, Elizabeth [et al.] The 1986 national nutrition survey of the Kingdom of Tonga : technical report prepared for the national food and nutrition committee. Pac.TX360.T63M33 1987 IN
Serial Maclean, J.L. Shellfish poisoning in the South Pacific.
Book Maclean, J. L. (Jay L.) In a perfect ocean : the state of fisheries and ecosystems in the North Atlantic Ocean. SH213.2.P38 2003 IN
Book Maclean, J. L. (John L.) Bibliographic impact of ICLARM. Pac.SH328.I52 1990 IN
Book Maclean, Maira What happens when you look?. CRC Pic.R5 1985 IN
Serial MacLeish, Kenneth National Geographic. Pac.Per.G1.N27 June 1973 v. 14 IN
 3 Maclellan, Nic.
Book MacLeod, Calum, 1913-1977. Uzbekistan : the golden road to Samarkand. DK944.M23 1999 IN
Book MacLeod, I. Chuuk lagoon world war II submerged sites earthwatch project report: July 30 to August 11, 2007. Pac.DU568.C5J44 2007 IN
Book MacLeod, Ian Donald Antiquities.Metal corrosion in Chuuk Lagoon : a survey of iron shipwrecks and aluminium aircraft. Pac.TA462.M33 2003 IN
Book MacLeod, Mairi Bell. Human resource development in Micronesia. Pac.HF5599.M37 1995 IN
Book MacLeod, Mairi Bell, Dependent International Consultant. Human resource development in Micronesia : a preliminary framework for reform in education and training : phase two. Pac.HF5599.M37 1995 IN
Book MacLeod, Roy M. The Commonwealth of science : ANZAAS and the scientific enterprise in Australasia, 1888-1988. Pac.Q93.C66 1988 IN
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