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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Center for Pacific Islands Studies. University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Strangers in their own land : a century of colonial rule in the Caroline and Marshall Islands. Pac.DU565.H49 1995 (pbk.) c.2 IN
Book Center for Public Integrity. The buying of the president : an inside look at the special interests behind Clinton, Dole, Gramm, Wilson, Alexander, Buchanan, and others. JK1991.L49 1996 IN
Book Center for Research and Education. Supplemental report of training of peace corps volunteers in Micronesia. Pac.HC60.5.D48 1970 IN
Book Center for South Pacific Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz. A new kind of sugar : tourism in the Pacific. Pac.G155.O3F5 1977 IN
Book Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington, D.C.) Arab-Israeli military forces in an era of asymmetric wars. UA832.C67 2006 IN
 3 Center for Strategic Intelligence Research (U.S.)
Serial Center for Studies of Schizophrenia (U.S.) Schizophrenia bulletin. Gov.HE20.8115: IN
 10 Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (U.S.)
Serial Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (U.S.) Methodone community education kit. Gov.HE20.402:M56 IN
Mixed Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (United States) Screening and assessment of alcohol-and other drug abusing adolescent. HV5720.5.M443S37 1993 OUT
Video Center for Teaching and Learning Stanford University. Simplifying for clarity teaching in two cycles, structuring and looking back. MITC VC 955 IN
 5 Center for the Advancement of Pacific Education.
 3 Center for the Book
 2 Center for the Study of Foreign Affairs (U.S.)
 2 Center for the study of Intelligence (U.S.)
Serial Center for the Study of Intelligence (U.S.) Central Intelligence Agency. The founding fathers of American intelligence. Gov.PREX3.2:F82 IN
 3 Center for the Study of Intelligence (U.S.). History Staff.
Book Center for the Study of Intelligence (U.S.) United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The creation of the intelligence community : founding documents. Gov.PREX 3:22:D 36 IN
 21 Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture.
Book Center for Workforce Development (Institute for Educational Leadership) Looking Forward : school-to-work principles and strategies for sustinablility. Gov. ED 1.2:SCH 6/34 OUT
 25 Center of International Cultural Exchange
 3 Center of International Cultural Exchange, China
 112 Center of Military History.
Book Center of the Military History. The Chemical Warfare Service : chemicals in combat. Gov.D114.7:C42 IN
Book Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific. CIRDAP report. Pac.Per.HN655.2.C6C45a IN
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