Author |
Title |
Call Number |
Status |
Haws, Maria. |
Aquafarmer Information Sheet: collecting black-lip pearl oyster spat. |
VerF 0610.00 Pac. |
IN |
Fast, Arlo W. |
Aquafarmer information sheet : triploid Chinese catfish. |
VerF 0816.98 Pac. |
IN |
Center For Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture publications, October 1999. |
Pac.Per.SH373.E446 1999 Oct |
IN |
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) : proceedings of a workshop held for those involved in the trade of giant clams, April 14, 1992, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. |
Pac.K3900.T75A24 1992 |
IN |
Ellis, Simon. |
The culture of soft corals (order: Alcyonacea) for the Marine Aquarium Trade. |
Pac.SH399.C6E58 1997 |
IN |
Direct Marketing Hawaii's Freshwater Ornamental Aquaculture Products. |
Pac.Per.SH373.K11 2005 |
IN |
Kam, Lotus E.Y.W. |
Economics of a Pacific threadfin (Polydactylus sexfilis) hatchery in Hawaii. |
Pac.SH167.T4K4 2001 |
IN |
Tamaru, Clyde S. |
Enrichment of artemia for use in freshwater ornamental fish production. |
Pac.L444.B815.T35 1998 |
IN |
Farming soft corals for the marine aquarium trade. |
MITC VC 825 |
IN |
Lagoon farming of giant clams (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae). |
Pac.Per.SH373.E44 1999 Jun |
IN |
A manual for commercial production of the gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus : a temporary paired spawner. |
Pac.SH167.G64 1997 |
IN |
Ellis, Simon. |
Nursery and grow-out techniques for giant clams (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae). |
Pac. SH373.C6 E4456 2000 |
IN |
Ostrowski, Anthony C. |
Pacific Threadfin, Polydactylus sexfilis (Moi), hatchery manual. |
Pac.SH167.T4.O88 1997 |
IN |
Ellis, Simon. |
Producing pearls using the black-lip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera). |
VerF 0610.99 Pac |
IN |
Project update / Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture. |
Pac.SH133.O24P76 Dec.1997 |
IN |
Ellis, Simon (Simon C.) |
Recent advances in lagoon-based farming practices for eight species of commercially valuable hard and soft corals : a technical report. |
Pac.SF458.C64E45 2002 |
IN |
Cole, Brian. |
Shipping practices in the ornamental fish industry. |
Pac.GC1.H387 |
IN |
Spawning and early larval rearing of giant clams. |
MITC VC 895 |
IN |
Ellis, Simon. |
Spawning and early larval rearing of giant clams (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae). |
Pac.SH373.E44 1996 |
IN |
Spawning the tinfoil barb, Barbodes schwannfeldi in Hawaii. |
Pac.Per.SH373.E446 1999 Jan |
IN |
Test marketing of giant clams as seafood and as aquarium specimens in selected markets. |
Pac.HD9472.C52T47 1992 c.2 |
IN |