View previous page View next page Author Search:  South Pacific Festival of Arts (3rd : 1980 : Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea)
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Statistics. Canada. International concordance between the industrial classification of the United Nations (ISIC REV 3) and Canada (1980 SIC), the European Union (NACE REV 1), the United States (1987 SIC). Ref.HF1044.C2158 1992 IN
Serial Statistics of diversified agriculture in Hawaii University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Statistics of Hawaiian agriculture. Pac.S544.S73 1976 IN
Book Statistics Office-Kosrae Branch. Division of Economic Policy. FSM Department of Economic Affairs. Statistical bulletin 1999 State of Kosrae. Pac.HA4010.5.Z9S73 2000 IN
Book Statistics. United States. United States summary, 2010. Gov.C3.223/5:2010 CPH-2-1 IN
Book Statler, Oliver. Japanese inn. TX941.M56S7 1982 IN
Book Stattersfield, A.J. Threatened birds of the world: the official source for birds on the IUCN Red List/. QL676.7.T58 2000 IN
Book Staub, Fritz C. Content-focused coaching : transforming mathematics lessons. QA135.6.W47 2003 IN
Book Staub, Wendy Corsi. Most likely to die. PB JAC 2007 IN
Video Staubach, Roger. Marketing. MITC VC 1002 D IN
Book Stauber, John C. (John Clyde), 1953- Weapons of mass deception : the uses of propaganda in Bush's war on Iraq. DS79.76.R36 2003 IN
Book Staudinger, Ursula M. Understanding human development : dialogues with lifespan psychology. BF713.5.U53 2003 IN
Book Stauffer, Alvin P. (Alvin Pecker) The Quartermaster Corps : operations in the war against Japan. Gov.D114.7:Q2/V.4/2004 IN
Book Stauffer, Peter H. Volcanism in Hawaii. QE524.V65 1987 IN
Book Stauth, Cameron. Healing the new childhood epidemics : autism, ADHD, asthma, and allergies : the groundbreaking program for the 4-A disorders. RJ506.A9B63 2008 IN
Book Stavinoha, Peter L. Stress-free discipline : simple strategies for handling common behavior problems. HQ770.4.A92 2015 IN
Book Stay, Byron L., ed. Censorship : opposing viewpoints. Z658.U5C33 1997 IN
Book Stayman, Allen Speeches at ceremonies, events, activities, relevant to the Federated States of Micronesia and the College of Micronesia-FSM.
 3 Stead, Erin E., ill.
 2 Stead, Philip Christian.
Book Stead, Rebecca When you reach me. PZ7.S80857Wh 2009 OUT
Book Steadman, David W. Extinction and biogeography of tropical Pacific birds. Pac.QL694.O25S3 2006 IN
Book Steadman, Ralph. Scar-strangled banger. MC1479.S79S3 1988 IN
Book Stearman, Kaye. Gender issues. HQ1075.S72 1997 IN
Book Stearns, LeRoy D. The 3d Marine Aircraft Wing in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Gov.D214.13:P43/7 IN
Book Stearns, Peter N. Gender in world history. HQ1075.S73 2006 IN
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