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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 McDermott, John F., 1929-
Book McDevitt, Teresa M. Child development : educating and working with children and adolescents. LB1115.M263 2004 IN
Book McDiarmid, Roy W. Snake species of the world : a taxonomic and geographic reference. QL666.O6M387 1999 IN
Book McDogall, Christopher. Born to run : a hidden tribe, superathletes, and the greatest race the worlhas never seen. GV1061.23.M6 M33 2011 IN
Book McDonald, A. A guide to project planning and appraisal in the South Pacific. Pac.HC681.M33 1984 IN
Book McDonald, A. H. (Alexander Hugh) Trusteeship in the Pacific. Pac.JX4021.M337 IN
Book McDonald, Andrea, author. Sugar sweetened beverage tax in Pacific Island countries and territories : a discussion paper. Pac.HD9348.O32M34 2015 IN
Video Mcdonald, Anne. A test of love. MITC VC 109 c.2 IN
Serial McDonald, Douglas, 1946- Managing prison health care and costs. Gov.J28.23:P93/5 IN
Book McDonald, John, Photo. Eskimos : growing up in a changing culture. E99.E7M545 1977 IN
Book McDonald, Marie A. Na lei makamae = The treasured lei. Pac.SB449.5.L4M34 2003 IN
Book McDonald, Megan. My house has stars. CRC Pic .M478 1996 OUT
 2 McDonald, Robert M. S., 1970-
Book McDonald, Russ, 1949- The Bedford companion to Shakespeare : an introduction with documents. PR2894.M385 1996 IN
Book McDonald, Sean M. The borderlands of Southeast Asia : geopolitics, terrorism, and globalization. Gov.D 5.417/2:B 64 IN
 2 McDonald, Trevor.
Book McDonald, William U., Jr. Language into literature. P121.L36B27 1965 IN
Book McDonnell, Judith. European immigrant women in the United States : a biographical dictionary. Ref.E184.E95L58 1994 IN
Video McDonnell, Mary Dances with wolves. MITC VC 506 IN
Book McDonough, James A. The life and martyrdom of the Venerable Father Diego Luis de San Vitores, of the Society of Jesus, First Apostle of the Mariana Islands, and events of these islands, from the year sixteen hundred and sixty-eight, through the year sixteen hundred and eighty-one :. Pac.DU645.G37L54 2004 IN
Book McDonough, John J., 1926- And God created great whales : whales and whaling in the manuscript collections of the Library of Congress. Gov.LC1.2:W55 IN
Book McDonough, Steven H. Applied linguistics in language education. P53.M327 2002 IN
Book McDorman, Ted L. Seafood safety standards (with special reference to HACCP) : review of the import regulations of the U.S. and E.U. and the relevant laws of the South Pacific region : a report prepared for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Pac.TX601.M32 1998 IN
 3 McDougal Littell.
 2 McDougal, Littell Company.
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