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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Isadora, Rachel. I see. CRC Pic.I763 1985 IN
Recording Isaiah, Pede 1888 Field recordings made in Pohnpei. MITC CD 100 IN
Serial Isamu Nakasone Store. INS marosong half-marathon tests runners over thirteen miles.
Book Isamu, T. (Theofanes) Suppliers and equipment for giant clam mariculture : hatchery, nursery, growout, administration. Pac.SH373.2.O3S87 1992 IN
Book Isamu, Theofanes Giant clam farming /. Pac.SH373.2.H48 1990 IN
Book Isard, Walter. Ecologic-economic analysis for regional development; some initial explorations with particular reference to recreational resource use and environmental planning. Pac.HT391.I82 1968 IN
Book Isbister, John, 1942- Promises not kept : the betrayal of social change in the Third World. HN980 .I83 1998 IN
Book Ise, Hideko, ill. Honey : a gift from nature. CRC PZ7.F95152 2006 IN
Book Iseminger, David, 1969- Networking services developer's reference library. QA76.76.A65I84 2000 IN
Serial Isezaki, Sumihiro, Geomagnetic survey across the Philippine sea from Yap to Kagoshima.
Mixed Ishibashi, Masahiko Epidemiological surveys on antibodies and antigens of infectious diseases in Pohnpei and Kosrae States, Federated States of Micronesia, 1991. VerF 0894.92 Pac IN
Book Ishida, Eiichiro, 1903-1968. Japanese culture : a study of origins and characteristics. DS821.I7213 1974 IN
 2 Ishidao, Hiroo
Serial Ishiguro, Etsuji Studies on the evaluation of water depth around seashore and the land classification in Yap islands using satellite data.
Book Ishiguro, Kazuo. When we were orphans. PB ISH 2000 IN
Book Ishiguro, Kazuo, 1954- The remains of the day. PR6059.S5R46 1990 IN
Video Ishihama, Akira Harakiri. MITC VC 604 IN
Book Ishihara, Shintaro, 1932- The Japan that can say no. E183.8.J3I74213 1991 IN
Mixed Ishii, Toshikazu. Fisheries development in Truk and Pohnpei, the Federated States of Micronesia. VerF 0154.86 Pac IN
 2 Ishikawa, Eikichi, 1925-
Book Ishikawa, Eisei. The impact of the A-bomb : Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945-85. Pac.D767.25.I5 1985 IN
Book Ishikawa, Takashi, 1943- Kokoro : the soul of Japan. DS821.I7873 1986 IN
Book Ishikawa, Wesley H. The elder Samoan. Pac. HV1471 S33 I753 IN
Mixed Ishimoro, Shuzo Secret knowledge on Satawal Island, Central Carolines. VerF 0165.87 Pac IN
Book Ishimura, Tomo Survey report on the preservation of the megalithic complex of Nan Madol and sites on Temwen island Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.DU565.P7K38 2017 IN
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