View previous page View next page Author Search:  Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Lewis, Lisa, 1947- Collection development policies for college libraries.
Mixed Lewis, M.C. Model Ponape house : typhoon resistant construction. VerF.0242 Pac. IN
Book Lewis, Marguerite Relyea. Hooked on library skills! : a sequential activities program for grades k-6. CRC Z675.S3L395 1988 IN
Mixed Lewis-Matravers, Melinda. Tales of the South Pacific : diving in Rangiroa [and] dancing in Samoa.
Book Lewis, Michael, 1937 Jan. 10- Handbook of emotions. Ref.BF561.H35 2000 IN
 2 Lewis, Michael (Michael M.)
Book Lewis, Nancy Preparing for a changing climate : the potential consequences of climate variability and change : Pacific Islands. Pac.QC993.M5P74 2001 IN
Book Lewis, Nancy Davis. AIDS and tourism : implications for Pacific island states. Pac.RA644.A25L48 1989 IN
Book Lewis, Norman, 1912- Word power made easy : the complete handbook for building a superior vocabulary. Ref.PE1449.L46 1978 IN
Computer Lewis, Pamela Spreadsheet magic. CD ROM 0774 2006 IN
Book Lewis, Pamela, 1956- Spreadsheet magic. LB1028.5.L59 2006 IN
Book Lewis, Paul M. Beautiful Florida. F312.L59 1979 IN
Video Lewis, Phil. War & Violence. MITC VC 387 IN
 2 Lewis, Rena B.
Serial Lewis, Robert Earl, 1929- An annotated catalog of primary types of Siphonaptera in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Gov. SI 1.27:560 IN
Video Lewis, Robert Michael Bounty 1984 versions. MITC VC 45 IN
 3 Lewis, Sue.
Book Lewis, Vickie. Side-by-side : a photographic history of American women in war. UB418.W65L49 1999 IN
 3 Lewis-Williams, J. David.
Book Lewis, Winston B. The battles of Savo Island, 9 August 1942 and the eastern Solomons, 23-25 August 1942. Pac.D774.S318L48 1993 IN
Book Lewis, Zoe. Walt Disney's Mickey and friends. CRC Pic.L88 1997 OUT
Book Lewison, Wendy Cheyette. Ten little ballerinas. CRC Pic.L49 1996 OUT
Book Lewthwaite, Gordon R. Geographical knowledge of the Pacific peoples. Pac.Du.L351 IN
Book Lewytzkyj, Borys. Who's who in the Soviet Union : a biographical encyclopedia of 5,000 leading personalities in the Soviet Union. Ref.DK37.W62 1984 IN
Book Lexau, Joan M. The tail of the mouse. CRC Pic.L45 OUT
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