View previous page View next page Author Search:  Inoue, Yukiko
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Hume, David, 1711-1776. A treatise of human nature;. B1485.H88 1977 IN
 3 Hume, Howard.
Book Humes, James C. The Ben Franklin factor : selling one to one. E302.6.F8H92 1992 IN
Video Humphrey, Bogart Key largo. MITC VC 168 IN
Book Humphrey, Caroline. The end of nomadism? : society, state, and the environment in Inner Asia. GN635.S64H85 1999 IN
Book Humphrey, David C., 1937- Vietnam 1966. Gov. S 1.1:1964-68/v.4 IN
Book Humphreys, Christmas, 1901- The Buddhist way of life. BL1451.2.H75 IN
 2 Humphries, Julia.
Book Humphries, Reynold. Hollywood’s blacklists : a political and cultural history. PN1590.B5H86 2010 IN
 2 Humphries, Stephen.
Book Hundley, Joan Martin Reader's digest condesed books, 1974. PN6013.5.R22m 1974 IN
Book Hung, Fred C. Current economic status of the Hawaiian sugar industry, with special reference to the general excise tax. : With the research assistance of Gary Weaver. Pac.HD9118.H25H3 IN
Mixed Hung, Hsiao-Chun Earliest settlement in the Marianas - a response. VerF.0911 Pac. IN
Book Hunger, J. David. Strategic management and business policy. HD30.28.W43 1991 IN
Book Hunia, Fran. Read it yourself : Billy Goats Gruff. CRC Pic.H86 1993 IN
Book Hunkin, Alfred. Gagana Samoa : a Samoan language course book. Pac.PL6501.H86 1988 IN
Book Hunkins, Francis P. Curriculum--foundations, principles, and issues. LB2806.15.O76 2004 IN
Book Hunnam, Peter Lessons in conservation for people and projects in the Pacific islands region. Pac.QH77.O386 2002 IN
Book Hunsley, John, 1959- Introduction to clinical psychology : an evidence-based approach. RC467.H77 2010 IN
Book Hunt, Chester L, joint ed. Social foundations of community development : readings on the Philippines. Pac.HN713.5.E8 IN
Book Hunt, Colin. Pacific development sustained : policy for Pacific environments. Pac.HC681.3.E5H86 1998 IN
Book Hunt, Constance Elizabeth. Down by the river : the impact of federal water projects and policies on biological diversity. QH545.W33H86 1988 OUT
 3 Hunt, Craig.
Mixed Hunt, D.Daniel The prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in 1994 on an atoll of the Marshall Islands and its relationship to locally grown food.
Book Hunt, E.E. Finger ridge count in the Micronesians of Yap.
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