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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Leibs, Andrew. Sports and games of the Renaissance. GV576.L43 2004 IN
Book Leicester, Mal. Classroom issues : practice, pedagogy, and curriculum. LC268.C52 1999 IN
 2 Leifer, Gloria.
Book Leigh, David, 1946- The Wilson plot : how the spycatchers and their American allies tried to overthrow the British government. DA591.W5L45 1988 IN
Book Leigh Fisher Associates. Special provisions, specifications, proposal, contract and bond for construction of Saipan International Airport terminal, increment, Saipan, Mariana Islands. Pac.HE9797.5.N78 P117 1974 IN
Book Leigh, Julia. The Day that lightning chased the housewife -- and other mysteries of science. Q173.D295 1989 IN
Video Leigh, Leshner. The spa workout fat burning aerobic workout. MITC VC 710 IN
 4 Leigh, Lora.
Book Leigh, Lora, author. Wicked lies : a Men of summer novel. PB LEI 2015 OUT
Video Leigh, Richard Equilibrium : concepts and applications. MITC VC 1142 IN
Book Leigh, Richard, co-author. Holy blood, Holy Grail. DC40.B33 1982 IN
Book Leigh, Rufus Wood, 1884- Dental morphology and pathology of prehistoric Guam. Pac.GN670.B45m 1929 IN
Video Leigh, Susan. Voice workout for the actor. MITC VC 1205 IN
Book Leigh, Tom. Going up! : The elevator counting book, featuring Jim Henson's Sesame Street Muppets. CRC Pic.H31 1980 IN
Book Leigh, Tom, ill. Elmo's sleepytime stories. CRC Pic.S59 1996 OUT
 2 Leigh, Vivien, 1913-1967.
Book Leigh, Wendy. Prince Charming : the John F. Kennedy Jr. story. PB LEI OUT
Book Leighton, Ralph. "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!" : adventures of a curious character. QC16.F49A37 1985 IN
Recording Leighton, Robert B. Six easy pieces : essentials of physics, explained by its most brilliant teacher. QC21.2.F52 1994 IN
Book Leininger, Madeleine M. Transcultural nursing : concepts, theories, research and practice. RT86.54.L44 2002 IN
Book Leinwand, Adrienne Sue, 1953- The relationship between Micronesian education and culture and the adjustment problems of Micronesian students at an American college. Pac.LB2376.6.M65L45 1981 IN
Book Leiter, Samuel L. Masterpieces of kabuki : eighteen plays on stage. Pac.PL782.E5K362 2004 IN
Book Leith, Larry M., 1949- Exercising your way to better mental health : combat stress, fight depression, and improve your overall mood and self-concept with these simple exercises. GV481.2.L45 1998 IN
Book Leith, Meeli Chew. Checklist of documents and publications on agriculture in Micronesia. Pac.S479.3.M5L45 1984 IN
Book Leiva, Miriam. McDougal Littell algebra 1 : explorations and applications. CRC QA152.2.B76 1997 IN
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