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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Leigh, Richard, co-author. Holy blood, Holy Grail. DC40.B33 1982 IN
Book Leigh, Rufus Wood, 1884- Dental morphology and pathology of prehistoric Guam. Pac.GN670.B45m 1929 IN
Video Leigh, Susan. Voice workout for the actor. MITC VC 1205 IN
Book Leigh, Tom. Going up! : The elevator counting book, featuring Jim Henson's Sesame Street Muppets. CRC Pic.H31 1980 IN
Book Leigh, Tom, ill. Elmo's sleepytime stories. CRC Pic.S59 1996 OUT
 2 Leigh, Vivien, 1913-1967.
Book Leigh, Wendy. Prince Charming : the John F. Kennedy Jr. story. PB LEI OUT
Book Leighton, Ralph. "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!" : adventures of a curious character. QC16.F49A37 1985 IN
Recording Leighton, Robert B. Six easy pieces : essentials of physics, explained by its most brilliant teacher. QC21.2.F52 1994 IN
Book Leininger, Madeleine M. Transcultural nursing : concepts, theories, research and practice. RT86.54.L44 2002 IN
Book Leinwand, Adrienne Sue, 1953- The relationship between Micronesian education and culture and the adjustment problems of Micronesian students at an American college. Pac.LB2376.6.M65L45 1981 IN
Book Leiter, Samuel L. Masterpieces of kabuki : eighteen plays on stage. Pac.PL782.E5K362 2004 IN
Book Leith, Larry M., 1949- Exercising your way to better mental health : combat stress, fight depression, and improve your overall mood and self-concept with these simple exercises. GV481.2.L45 1998 IN
Book Leith, Meeli Chew. Checklist of documents and publications on agriculture in Micronesia. Pac.S479.3.M5L45 1984 IN
Book Leiva, Miriam. McDougal Littell algebra 1 : explorations and applications. CRC QA152.2.B76 1997 IN
Book Leiva Moreno, Juan Ignacio de. Second meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee of the FAO project Management of Tuna Fishing Capacity: Conservation and Socio-economics : 15-18 March 2004, Madrid, Spain. FAO.SH3.F27 IN
Book LeÌvy, Bernard Henri. Left in dark times : a stand against the new barbarism. JC480.L48 2008 IN
Book Lejeune, Jerri Consider the source: finding reliable information on the internet. CRC ZA3075.T21 2004 IN
Book Leka, Anton. Talanga o Nukuoro. Pac.PL6485.Z77T73 1955 IN
Book Leki, Ilona. Understanding ESL writers : a guide for teachers. PE1128.A2 L385 1992 IN
Language Lekka, Sinolle Records of the Human Resources Office.
Book Leland, Carole, 1934- Women of influence, women of vision : a cross-generational study of leaders and social change. HQ1391.U5A87 1991 IN
Book Leland, Karen. Time management in an instant : 60 ways to make the most of your day. HD69.T54L45 2008 IN
Book Lelaulu, Lelei. Strategic interests in the Pacific : report of the Pacific Islands Association Seminar, held in the United States Congress, May 9th, 1983 : in association with the National Institute for Public Policy. Pac.DU17.P335 1983 IN
Video Lelu, Ye. Cartoon. MITC VC 681 IN
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