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 4 Krathwohl, David R.
Book Kratz, Henry. A voyage around the world with the Romanzov exploring expedition in the years 1815-1818 in the Brig Rurik, Captain Otto Von Kotzebue : by Aldelbert von Chamisso; translated and edited by Henry Kratz. Pac.G420.R48C4513 1986 IN
Book Kraus, Barbara. The dictionary of sodium, fats, and cholesterol. Ref.TX551.K73 IN
Video Kraus, Liz Women in the workplace. MITC VC 1272 IN
Book Kraus, Robert, 1925- Jack Galaxy, space cop. CRC Juv.K53 1990 IN
Book Kraus, Theresa L. The Federal Aviation Administration : a historical perspective, 1903-2008. Gov.TD 4.2:H 62/3 IN
Book Krause, Betsy. Tourism in Palau : processes for heritage enhancement, University of Oregon Technical Assistance Project 25 June-31 August 1990, final report. Pac.G155.P3K83 1990 IN
Book Krause, Elizabeth L. Slippery paths : connections and divergences between historic preservation and tourism in Micronesia. Pac.DU500.K837 IN
Book Krause, Lawrence B. Economic interaction in the Pacific Basin. Pac.HF1411.E252 IN
Book Krauss, Beatrice H. Plants in Hawaiian medicine. Pac.DU624.65.K73 2001 IN
 2 Krauss, Bob.
Book Krauss, Bob, ed. A child's history of Hawaii. Pac.DU625.M23 1973 IN
Book Krauss, Ellis S. Media and politics in Japan. P95.82.J3M43 1996 IN
Book Krauss, Jane. Reinventing project-based learning : your field guide to real-world projects in the digital age / Suzie Boss, Jane Krauss. LB1027.43.B67 2007 IN
Mixed Krauss, Ken W. Surface elevation change and susceptibility of different mangrove zones to sea-level rise on Pacific high islands of Micronesia. VerF.088 Pac. IN
Book Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell. Quantum man : Richard Feynman's life in science. QC16.F49K73 2011 IN
Book Krauss, N.L.H. The declared noxious weeds of Fiji and their control/. Pac.S400.F5F51 no.48 IN
 5 Krauss, N. L. H. (Noel Louis Hilmer), 1910-
Book Krauss, Noel Louis Hilmer, 1910- Bibliogrpahy of the Tokelau or Union Islands, Central Pacific. Pac.Z4931.K73 1969 IN
Book Krauss, Noel Louis Himer, 1910- Bibliogrpahy of the Phoenix Islands,Central Pacific. Pac.Z4775.K73 1970 IN
Book Krautzer, Bernhard. Site-specific grasses and herbs : seed production and use for restoration of mountain environments. FAO.QK937.K72 2004 IN
Book Kravets, Marybeth. The K & W guide to colleges for the learning disabilities or attention deficit disorder / Marybeth Kravets and Imy F. Wax. Ref.L901.K9 2005 IN
Book Kravits, Sarah Lyman. Keys to success : how to achieve your goals. LB2343.32.C37 1996 IN
Book Kraznai, Marton Open Skies : a cooperative aproach to military transparency and confidence building. Doc.UNIDIR/2004/18 IN
Book Krebs, Dennis. Handbook of evolutionary psychology : ideas, issues, and applications. Ref.BF57.H36 1998 IN
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