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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Miller, Arthur Raphael, 1934- Civil procedure. Ref.KF8840.F72 2005 IN
Book Miller, Barbara L. Teaching heritage language learners : voices from the classroom. LC3731.W42T42 1985 IN
Book Miller, Bertha E. Mahony. Illustrators of children's books : 1946-1956. CRC Ref.NC965.I6 1972 IN
Video Miller, Bill Creating a winner : real secrets of successful marketing. MITC VC 182 IN
Book Miller, Brian. Western Pacific Journal : An account of medical research expeditions to study : 1) Kuru and other tremor disorders in Papua New Guinea; 2) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and parkinsonism-dementia and other neurological disease in Japan; 3) Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Korea; 4) Genetic diseases in Australian aborigines; 5) Child development, disease patterns and male pseudohermaphroditism among the Anga in New Guinea; And sundry other investigations in Fiji, New Hebrides, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, australia, Micronesia, Japan and Korea, January 4, 1978 to September 23, 1978. Pac.RA558.O24G336 1986 IN
Book Miller, Bruce L. Ethnographical album of the Pacific islands. Pac.DU28.E3 1996 IN
Serial Miller, Bryan Challenge & chance.
 2 Miller, Calvin.
Book Miller, Carey D Food values of breadfruit, taro leaves, coconut, and sugar cane. Pac.GN670.B45M55 1971 IN
 3 Miller, Carey D. (Carey Dunlap), b. 1895.
Book Miller, Carey D., coauthor. Some tropical South Pacific Island foods : description, history, use, composition, and nutritive value. Pac.TX360.I77M8 IN
Book Miller, Carey Dunlap, 1893- Japanese foods commonly used in Hawaii. Pac.S339.E2 IN
Book Miller, Char. Missions and missionaries in the Pacific. Pac.BV3670.M53 1985 IN
Book Miller, Charles David. Precalculus : student's manual and study guide. QA154.2.L61sm 1989 IN
 3 Miller, Charles David, 1942-
Serial Miller, Charles E. In the line of fire : a study of selected felonious assaults on law enforcement officers. Gov.J1.14/2:F51/2 IN
Book Miller, Charles E., III. Violent encounters : a study of felonious assaults on our nation's law enforcement officers. Gov.J1.14/2:EN1 IN
Book Miller, Chris F. A guide to conservation plantings on critical areas for the Northeast. Gov.A57.6/2:P69/4/2012 IN
Book Miller Coffel, Cynthia. A critical handbook of children's literature. PN1009.A1L84 2013 IN
Book Miller, Darla Ferris. Positive child guidance. HQ769.M5325 2010 IN
 2 Miller, David
Book Miller, David Coordinator. Populations : trial edition. Pac.LB1585.T7P53 1972 IN
Book Miller, David P. (David Peter), 1955- Introduction to cataloging and classification. Z693.T21 2006 IN
Book Miller, Deborah J. Careers with Internet service providers. TK5105.875.I57M553 2001 IN
Book Miller, Debra A. Globalization. JZ1318.G51 2007 IN
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