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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Phillips, Anne W. Lost and Found. CRC Pic.P45 IN
Book Phillips, Ariel. Education and the threat of nuclear war. U263.E3 1985 IN
Book Phillips, Bernard S. Social research; strategy and tactics. H62.P53 1966 IN
 3 Phillips, Bill.
Book Phillips-Birt, Douglas Hextall Chedzey, 1920- A history of seamanship. VK541.P53 1971 IN
 2 Phillips, Bob, 1940-
Book Phillips, Brady. Kosrae Island resource management program (KIRMP) : implementation strategy. Pac.S954.K8P5 1992 IN
Book Phillips, Bruce F. Spiny lobsters : fisheries and culture. SH380.S65 2000 IN
 4 Phillips, Carly.
Book Phillips, Caroline A. (Caroline Anne) Waihou journeys : the archaeology of 400 years of Maori settlement. Pac.DU423.A55P45 2000 IN
Book Phillips, Caryl. The nature of blood. PR9275.S263P47646 1997 IN
Book Phillips, Charles. The illustrated encyclopedia of Catholicism : a comprehensive guide to Buddhist history, philosophy and practice of Catholic Christianity, with more than 500 beautiful illustrations. Ref.BX4012.C86 2009 IN
Book Phillips, Charles, 1948- What every American should know about American history : 200 events that shaped the nation. E178.A96 1993 IN
Book Phillips, Charles Palmer, 1822-1895. The law of copyright in works of literature and art and in the application of designs : with the statutes relating thereto. KD1289.P48 1989 IN
 3 Phillips, Christopher, 1959 July 15-
Book Phillips, Claude S. The African political dictionary. Ref.DT30.5.P47 1983 IN
Book Phillips, Diane. You've got it made : deliciously easy meals to make now and bake later. TX714.P54 2008 IN
Book Phillips, Ellen. Rodale’s ultimate encyclopedia of organic gardening : the indispensable green resource for every gardener. Ref.SB453.5.R65 2009 IN
Book Phillips, Glen D. Media, government and education : partners media program--1986-1987. Pac.P92.F4P55 IN
Book Phillips, Herbert P. Modern Thai literature : with an ethnographic interpretation. PL4200.P44 1987 IN
Book Phillips, James Tice, 1887-1960. Notes on the Caroline, Marshall, Mariana, and Palau (Pelew) islands under Japanese mandate. Pac.DU500.P54 IN
Book Phillips, Jean M. Organizational behavior : tools for success, 2e. HD58.7.P54 2013 IN
Book Phillips, Jock. A man's country? : the image of the Pakeha male--a history. Pac.HQ1090.P561 1996 IN
Book Phillips, John. Macedonia : warlords and rebels in the Balkans. DR2253.P55 2004 IN
Book Phillips, John G. (John Gardner), 1917- Pictorial astronomy. QB44.2.A42 1983 IN
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