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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Matsui, Takashi The survey on tetrodotoxin derivatives for fishes at Palau and Yap Islands.
Mixed Matsukawa, Susumu Physical and chemical properties of soils on Ponape and Truk islands, Federated States of Micronesia. VerF 0147.86 Pac IN
Video Matsumae, Dr. Shigeyoshi Ceremony commemorating TES establishment. MITC VC 1082 IN
Book Matsumae, Tatsur-o, 1927- Japan and the world : a miscellany of thoughts. LG271.T58M33 1993 IN
 2 Matsumoto, Kazuko
Book Matsumoto, Keith. Regional overview of disaster preparedness and disaster experience in the South Pacific. Pac.HV555.O3H362 1982 IN
 3 Matsumoto, Takeshi
Mixed Matsumoto, Walter M. Anchor fish aggregation devices in Hawaiian waters. VerF.387 Pac. IN
Book Matsumura, Akira Contributions to the ethnography of Micronsia. Pac.GN669.M3 1918 IN
Book Matsumura Ryo, 1880-1936. Contributions to the ethnography of Micronsia. Pac.GN669.M3 1918 IN
Mixed Matsumuro, K. Plant propagation. VerF.0908 Pac. IN
Serial Matsumuro, Kazuaki Pepper culture in the Eastern Caroline Islands.
Book Matsunami, Shinya Pitch patterns of Etal Mortlockese (Micronesia). Pac.AC1.H3 no.3685 IN
Book Matsuo, Fumio, 1933- Democracy with a gun : America and the policy of force. E183.M2813 2007 IN
Serial Matsuoko, Tatsuro Coastal fisheries development and management in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
Video Matsura, Les K. Pearl grafting. MITC VC 242 IN
Book Matsushima, Shingo. A runners guide to O'ahu. Pac.GV1061.22.H39V37 2004 IN
Book Matsutaro, Francis M. President. Sharing of heritages : Micronesian Occupational College, 1992-94 general catalog. Pac.LG961.P34 1992 IN
Book Matsuura, Harry. Various industries in American Samoa : an economic report. Pac.HC687.S3U58 IN
Book Matsuyama, Midori. Tourism as cultural learning : two controversial case studies in educational anthropology. Pac.G155.A1B73 IN
Book Matta Echaurren, Roberto Sebasti?n, 1911- Matta : making the invisible visible. N6669.M38A4 2004 IN
 3 Matta, Gabriella, illustrator.
Book Matteo. Matteo Marcellus Vittucci. The language of Spanish dance. GV1673.M35 1990 IN
Book Mattern, Joanne. Superhero pets: true tales of animal heroes. CRC Juv.M43 2012 IN
Video Matthau, Walter Fail safe. MITC VC 1242 IN
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