Titles Matching:  Food--Biotechnology.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Foods derived from biotechnology : Codex alimentarius. Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission. FAO.TP248.65.F66J655 2009 IN
Book Foods derived from biotechnology : Codex alimentarius. Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission. FAO.TP248.65.F66J655 IN
Book Probiotics in food : health and nutritional properties and guidelines for evaluation. FAO.TP248.65.F66P76 2006 IN
Book Superfoods : genetic modification of foods. Morgan, Sally. TP248.65.F66M67 2002 IN
Book Your right to know : genetic engineering and the secret changes in your food. Kimbrell, Andrew. TP248.65.F66K56 2007 IN

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