Titles Matching:  Clinton, Hillary Rodham.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Blood sport : the President and his adversaries. Stewart, James B. E886.2.S74 1996 IN
Mixed Her chance to make history : plenty of voters have already made up their minds aboout Hillary Clinton : can she win over the ones who haven't?. Cannon, Carl M. VF 293 CAN 2007 IN
Book Hillary Clinton : a biography. Levy, Dena B. E887.C55L49 2008 IN
Book Hillary Clinton : an American journey. Driscoll, Laura. CRC E887.C55D75 2008 IN
Book Partners in power : the Clintons and their America. Morris, Roger. E886.M67 1996 IN
Book Tributes delivered in Congress : Hillary Rodham Clinton, United States Senator, 2001-2009. Gov.Y1.1/3:111-28 IN

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