Titles Matching:  Organizational change.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book 21. HD57.7.L4374 1999 IN
Book Accelerate : building strategic agility for a faster moving world. Kotter, John P., 1947- HD58.8.K6447 2014 IN
Book Community college library job descriptions and organizational charts. Z675.J8C73 2000 IN
Book The dance of change : the challenges of sustaining momentum in learning organizations. HD58.82.D19 1999 IN
Book Diagnosing and changing organizational culture : based on the competing values framework. Cameron, Kim S. HD58.8.C14 2006 IN
Book Good to great : why some companies make the leap--and others don't. Collins, James C. (James Charles), 1958- HD57.7.C69 2001 IN
Book Innovation leaders : how senior executives stimulate, steer and sustain innovation. Deschamps, Jean Philippe. HD53.D47 2008 IN
Book The intelligence archipelago : the community's struggle to reform in the globalized era. Gutjahr, Melanie M. H. Gov.D5.202:IN8/8 IN
Book International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies strategy 2020 : saving lives changing minds. Pac.HD58.8.B87I6 2009 IN
Book The manager’s pocket guide to systems thinking & learning. Haines, Stephen G. Ref.HD31.H22 1998 IN
Book Managing change and innovation in public service organizations. Osborne, Stephen P., 1953- JF1525.O73O78 2005 IN
Book Managing organizational change. Connor, Patrick E. HD58.8.C653 2003 IN
Book New technology, organizational change, and governance. JF799.5.N49 2013 IN
Book Our iceberg is melting : changing and succeeding under any conditions. Kotter, John P., 1947- HD58.8.K672 2006 IN
Book The possibilities organization : the new science of possibilities management. Carkhuff, Robert R. HD58.8.C354 2000 IN
Book Presence : exploring profound change in people, organizations, and society. HD58.8.P92 2005 IN
Book RoadMap : how to understand, diagnose, and fix your organization. Meyer, N. Dean. HD58.82.M488 1998 IN
Book Training for organizational transformation. Lynton, Rolf P. HF5549.5.T7L9 2003 IN

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