Titles Matching: Insular possessions of the United States.
Call Number
1983 omnibus territories : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Supply of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session, on S. 1366 ... S. 1367 ... October 6, 1983.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on energy and Narural Resources. Subcommittee on Energy Conservation.
Pac.KF26.E553 1983c
1984 omnibus territories : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Supply of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress,.. of Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa,the Northern Mariana Islands, and for other purposes, July 26, 1984.
United States. Congress. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Subcommittee on energy Conservation and Supply.
Pac.KF26.E553 1984d
Approving the Compact of Free Association with the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia and approving conditionally the Compact of Free Association with Palau : report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs together with supplemental views (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) on H.J. Res. 187.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Pac.DU500.U63A6 1985
Compact of Free Association between the United States and Palau : message from the President of the United States transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to approve the "Compact of Free Association" between the United States and the government of Palau, and for other purposes.
United States. President (1981-1989 : Reagan).
Pac.JQ6240.A5C65 1986
Compact of Free Association : report together with additional views (to accompany H.J. Res. 187) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office).
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries.
Pac.DU500.U63A6 1985, pt.3-4
Impact of Contract with America on the territories : hearing before the Subcommittee on Native American & Insular Affairs of the Committee on Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, on H.R. 602, a bill to reform the laws concerning territories and possessions, January 31, 1995.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Resources. Subcommittee on native American & Insular Affairs.
Pac.KF27.I5377 1995
Insular areas budget request for fiscal year 1990 : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, first session ... hearing held in Washington, DC, February 24, 1989.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Sucommittee on Insular and International Affairs.
Pac.KF27.I5283 1989
Insular areas resource management : oversight hearings before the Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session ... hearings held in Washington, DC, September 29 and October 1, 1987.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs.
Pac.KF27.I5283 1987g
Pacific basin energy : hearings before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session, on H.R. 7330 ... Honolulu, Hawaii, July 10 and 11, 1980.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Pac.KF26.E55 1980i
Palau Compact of Free Association Act : report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on H.J. Res. 626 (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office).
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Pac.KF49.U55 1986
Palau Compact of Free Association Act : report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on H.J. Res. 626 (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office).
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs.
VerF.0247 Pac.
To approve the Compact of Free Association : report (to accompany S.J. Res. 77).
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Pac.KF49.U56 1985
To enhance the economic development of the U.S. territories : hearings before the Subcommittee on Insular Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 5561 ... hearings held in Washington, DC, May 4 and 8, 1984.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Insular Affairs.
Pac.KF27.I5283 1984
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