Titles Matching: Politics and government--Micronesia.
Call Number
A Study of acculturation in Micronesia under the Japanese Mandate.
Ambassador Rosenblatt's letter.
Carter and human rights in Micronesia.
The Free associated state of Micronesia : problems and hope.
Heine, Carl
VerF.0972 Pac.
Future politcal status commission meeting January 26, 1968.
Pac.JQ6451.A5T68 1968
Issues and interest groups in the Pacific Islands region.
Hamnett, Michael P.
Justice held hostage : no honeymoon for Urusemal and Congress.
Lessons of compact one : five things we shoild have learned.
Linking colonization and decolonization : the case of Micronesia.
Micronesia through separate district government : (a working paper).
Heine, Carl.
Pac.JQ6240.A38H34 1977
Micronesian independence: the essentials elements.
Micronesian status negotiations : Sovereignty and free association are compatible.
Micronesians reach accord with U.S.
Micronesuan constitutional convention.
VerF.0355 Pac.
Old glory and a new political status for Micronesia.
Political progress of Micronesia.
Milner, George
Requiem for Nauru : hope in Palau and a chastened Chuuk.
Seminar on moral issues related to choice of political status, held in Kolonia, Ponape, June 3-9, 1973.
Senator Bailey Olter's letter.
Separation of Micronesia set : Secretarial order issued Sept.28.
Some guidelines and proposals for an associated free states of Micronesia : (a working paper).
Green, Michael
State of the territory message to Congress of Micronesia.
Coleman, Peter T.
Pac.JQ6240.A56P37 1977
"Thinking the unthinkable' : can the FSM hold together? //.
Tough love Joseph Urusemal : quiet, firm and in charge.
Trukese leaders oppose independence.
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