Titles Matching: Prompt report of the Fifth Scientific Survey of the South Pacific.
Call Number
Annual variation of mean weather conditions in Koror and Yap Islands.
Crop production on Palau and Yap.
Studies on the production pattern of tropical fruits in the Palau and Yap Islands.
On the devastated grassland in Palau and Yap, the Western Carolines.
Shovel-shaped incisors of the inhabitants in the State of Yap, the Federated States of Micronesia.
Planktonic foraminifera in the West Pacific Ocean (Preliminary report).
On the growth layers of dental cements of domestic pigs in Palau and Yap Islands.
Gambierdiscus toxicus : A toxix unicellular alga, in Palau and Yap Islands.
Culture study of a marine coenocytic green alga pseudobbryopsis sp (Codilaes, Chlorophycea) from Yap islands (Preliminary report).
Marine algae from Peleliu island, Palau : chlorophyceae (Preliminary report).
The survey on tetrodotoxin derivatives for fishes at Palau and Yap Islands.
Study of anti-adult T-Cell leukemia associated antigen antibodies in inhabitants in Yap, the Federated States of Micronesia.
Fisheries development in Palau and Yap.
A social profile of Filipinos in Palau.
Commercial distribution of fishery products in Yap proper.
On the accent of the Palauan and the Yapese native languages.
Traditional education of village and modern education of school in Palau.
Geomagnetic survey across the Philippine sea from Yap to Kagoshima.
Preliminary report on paleomagnetism of rocks from Palau islands and Yap islands, Philippine sea.
Meridional hyrdrographic sections in the central part of the Philippine sea on November, 1986.
The prompt report of the fifth Scientific Survey of the South Pacific.
Scientific Survey of the South Pacific (5th : 1986)
Pac.QH198.P34S35 1986
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