Titles Matching:  Child rearing.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Ask Supernanny : what every parent wants to know. Frost, Jo HQ769.F92 2006 IN
Book Between parent and child: new solutions to old problems. Ginott, Haim G. HQ769.G55 1968 IN
Book Bratproofing your children : how to teach your kids social and financial responsibility. Solomon, Lewis D. HQ784.S4S55 2008 IN
Video The children are watching. MITC VC 1334 IN
Book Children : the challenge. Dreikurs, Rudolf, 1897-1972. HQ769.D653 1992 IN
Book Dealing with rules at home. Vogel, Elizabeth. CRC BF723.V64r 2000 IN
Book Dr. Spock's baby basics. Needlman, Robert. RJ61.N4 2003 IN
Book Identification and child rearing. Sears, Robert R. (Robert Richardson) BF723.I4S4 1965 IN
Book The irreducible needs of children : what every child must have to grow, learn, and flourish. Brazelton, T. Berry, 1918- BF721.B71345 2000 IN
Book Kids are worth it! : giving your child the gift of inner discipline. Coloroso, Barbara. HQ770.4.C65 2002 IN
Book Kids, parents, and power struggles : winning for a lifetime. Kurcinka, Mary Sheedy, 1953- HQ755.85.K85 2000 IN
Book Liberated parents, liberated children : your guide to a happier family. Faber, Adele. HQ769.F33 1990 IN
Book Parenting and the child's world : influences on academic, intellectual, and social-emotional development. HQ755.8.P379126 2002 IN
Book Parents talking, kids talking : an original, breakthrough work for all parents who want to discuss adult subjects with children but don't know how. Chapman, Arthur Harry, 1924- HQ755.85.C49 1979 IN
Book Positive discipline for preschoolers : for their early years--raising children who are responsible, respectful, and resourceful. Nelsen, Jane. HQ774.5N45 1998 IN
Book Raising financially fit kids. Godfrey, Joline. HG179.G627 2003 IN
Book Raising multilingual children : foreign language acquisition and children. Tokuhama-Espinosa, Tracey, 1963- P115.2.T65 2001 IN
Book Reinventing childhood : raising and educating children in a changing world. Elkind, David, 1931- HQ767.9.E39 1998 IN
Book Siblings without rivalry : how to help your children live together so you can live too. Faber, Adele. HQ769.F212 2000 IN
Video The smell of burning ants. MITC DVD 107 IN
Book The strong-willed child : birth through adolescence. Dobson, James C., 1936- HQ772.D58 IN
Book Toward self-discipline : a guide for parents and educators. CRC LB3012.T68 1981 IN
Book What to expect the first year. Eisenberg, Arlene. HQ774.E47 1989 IN
Book The young child in the family and the community. Gonzalez-Mena, Janet. HQ783.G59 2006 IN

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