Titles Matching:  Electronic spreadsheets.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Excel 97 annoyances. Leonard, Woody. HF5548.4.M523L46 1997 IN
Book Excel for Windows 95 for dummies : a reference for the rest of us!. Harvey, Greg. HF5548.4.M523H3684 1995 IN
Book Lotus 1-2-3 : a short course. Curtin, Dennis P. Ref.HF5548.4.L67C878 1993 IN
Book Microsoft Excel 97 worksheet function reference : complete reference to the built-in functions and formulas in Microsoft Excel. Ref.HF5548.4.M523M543 1996 IN
Book Microsoft Excel 2013 comprehensive. HF5548.4.M523.M53 2014 IN
Book Microsoft excel for Windows 95 step by step. Ref.HF5548.4.M523M525 1995 OUT
Book Problem-solving cases in Microsoft Access and Excel. Monk, Ellen F. HF5548.M525B73 2012 IN
Book Running Microsoft Excel for Windows 95. Dodge, Mark. HF5548.4.M523D63 1995 OUT
Computer Spreadsheet magic. Lewis, Pamela CD ROM 0774 2006 IN
Book Spreadsheet magic. Lewis, Pamela, 1956- LB1028.5.L59 2006 IN

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