Titles Matching:  Handbook (South Pacific Commission),
  Title Author Call Number Status
Mixed Beche-de-mer of the tropical Pacific a handbook for fishermen: a handbook covering identification of commercially important species of holothurians (beche-de-mer or sea cucumbers) with notes on their collection processing, packaging and marketing. VerF.141.1 Pac. IN
Book Citrus production in the South Pacific.
Book Design improvements to fish aggregation device (FAD) mooring systems in general use in Pacific island countries. Boy, R. L. Pac.SH157.85.B69 1984 IN
Book Fisheries statistics training course : lecture notes. South Pacific Commission. Pac.SH3.S68 1985 IN
Book A guide to the common tuna baitfishes of the South Pacific Commission area. Lewis, A. D Pac.SH351.B27L47 1983 IN
Book Prevention of dengue fever : a manual for public health staff, nurses, health educators and community development officers. Jabre, Bushra. Pac.RA644.D4J11 1980 IN
Book Prevention of non-communicable diseases in the Pacific : training module for social mobilisation and community action. Teissier-Landgraf, Marie Claude Pac.DU1.S6883 no.32 IN
Book Primary care and prevention of some common diseases in children : a manual for community and health workers. Teissier, Marie Claude Pac.RJ401.T45 1981 IN
Book Principles of extension and communication skills : a manual for the fisheries extension officers of the Pacific Islands. Pac.DU1.S688 no.30 IN
Book Sea cucumbers and Beche-de-mer of the Tropical Pacific: a handbook for fisheries. Pac.QL384.H7.S1 1994 IN
Book Taro cultivation in the South Pacific. Pac.SB211.T2T37 1982 IN
Book Trolling techniques for the Pacific Islands : a manual for fishermen. Pac.SH457.7.T76 1987 IN

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