Titles Matching: Palau--Foreign relations--United States.
Call Number
Agreement between the Government of the United States and the Government of Palau regarding economic assistance concluded pursuant to Section 211 (a) (2) of the Compact of Free Association.
VerF 0826.82 Pac
Approving the Compact of Free Association : report (to accompany S.J. Res. 325).
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Pac.KF49.U56 1986
Compact of Free Association with Palau (as signed May 23, 1984).
Pac.JX1581.P1C73 1985
Compacts of free association with the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau : joint oversight hearing before the Committee on Resources and Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session, October 1, 1998, Washington, DC.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Resources
Pac.KF27.R38 1998g
Developments regarding the Compact of Free Association between the United States and Palau : hearing and markup before the Subcommittees on Human Rights and International Organizations, and on Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, on H.J. Res. 479, December 17, 1987 and March 3, 1988.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations.
Pac.KF27.F645 1987g
Embattled island : Palau's struggle for independence.
Leibowitz, Arnold H.
Pac.DU780.L45 1996
Future political status of Palau : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, first session on ... hearing held in Washington, DC, May 2, 1991.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs.
Pac.KF27.I5283 1991
Implementation of Compact of Free Association with Palau.
United States.
VerF.0246 Pac.
Issues facting U.S. - affiliated islands as reported by the U.S. Government Accountability Office and consideration of two measures related to U.S.- affiliated islands : S. 2360, the Omnibus Territories Act of 2015, and S. 2610, a bill to approve an agreement between the US and Republic of Palau.
United States, Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. April 2016
Pac.KF26.E55 2016a
Overreaching in paradise : United States policy in Palau since 1945.
Roff, Sue Rabbitt.
Pac.DU780.R64 1991
Palau, a challenge to the rule of law in Micronesia : report of a mission on behalf of the International Commission of Jurists and the American Association for the International Commission of Jurists.
Butler, William J. (William Joseph), 1924-
Pac.JQ6240.A5B83 1988
Palau Compact of Free Association Implementation Act : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, first session, on H.J. Res. 175 to authorize entry into force of the Compact of Free Association between the United States and the government of Palau, and for other purposes, September 26, 1989.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Pac.KF26.E55 1989l
Palau Compact of Free Association Implementation Act : report (to accompany H.J. Res. 175).
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Pac.KF49.U55 1989
The Compact of Free Association between the United States and Palau : hearings and markup before the Committee on Foreign Affairs and its Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-ninth Congress, second session, on H.J. Res. 626, May 8, May 21, and June 5, 1986.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Pac.KF27.F6 1986r
The Compact of Free Association with the Republic of Palau : communication from the President of the United States transmitting the proclamation terminating the trust relationship between the United States and Palau and the entry into force of the Compact ... effective October 1, 1994, pursuant to Public Law 101-219, section 101 (1) and (2), Public Law 99-658, section 101(d)(1) (A) and (C), Public Law 99-239, section 102(b)(2)(B).
United States. President (1993-2001 : Clinton)
VerF. 0234 Pac.
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