Titles Matching:  The Kaselehlie Press 2009 June 24
  Title Author Call Number Status
Serial Pohnpei landfill trash compactor funded by the Japanese Government.
Serial Celebrating JOCV 20th Anniversary.
Serial Chief Executive Council meets in Pohnpei to discuss FSM PetroCorp proposal.
Serial Pohnpei "foreign investors" take their case to the United States.
Serial Association of Pacific Island Legislators meets in Pohnpei.
Serial Surgeons at Chuuk State state of the art technique.
Serial Japanese government donates medical equipment to Pohnpei State Hospital.
Serial Chinese ambassador says her farewells in Pohnpei.
Serial US Army inducts 20 more FSM citizens [pictorial].
Serial Kahmar business promotes recycling.
Serial IFCP team again teaches "CHEEF" benefits of local food at Camp Glow.
Serial The community celebrates renovation of Island Food multipurpose building.
Serial Loerzel to leave Guam governor's office for top Micronesia Challenge communications position.
Serial Calling all soccer players.

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